Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Spot and Mama

I am constantly amazed at cats, they are beautiful mothers. 

I went out to check the mail.  I live in #4, the man who owns #10 rents it out to a series of high-drama, ignorant, tenants who make "renters" a bad word.  The current ones involve kids that run up on my property, snooping around, while the mother figure whines ineffectively for them to "come here".  I don't like them much. 

They were coming by when I left, the kids were running around me when I went to the mailbox.  The one little girl was a block ahead, and could have easily run into the street or been snatched, but the mother just whined ineffectively.  Probably believes spanking "is bad" so the kids have no respect and disregard her. 

They went on their way, I got the mail, happy to see the kratom package for me and a talking book for Ron.  [Amusingly enough, the samples included were Red Elephant, which I found today are highly effective on my headaches]. 

I headed back home.  My house is on a grade some feet above the street.  I am very happy about this, as we have "nearly" flooded probably half a dozen times.  If we were at street level I would have far more problems.  So I was below the level of the porch when I looked up and saw Mama Calico and her kitten, Spot. 

Spot is a white and orange tabby kitten, about 2 months, with copper colored eyes that are a striking match for his (?) fur.  I can tell Mama is a female because she is a calico and clearly the mother of the kitten.  I don't know what happened to the small calico kitten, outside life is pretty harsh or maybe they gave her away.  She was very pretty but I have a fondness for Spot. 

They were clearly hungry, and felt safe coming to me.  They had hidden under my chair no doubt due to the children, who would have chased them at best.  I talked to them, noting our Baby Girl in the window watching them. 

I went in the house, put away my package, and gave Ron his talking book.  He will be good for a while now.  I got a can of food (running low, as I don't feed it to my cats, I only had a half dozen cans for times like this) and a disposable plate.  I went out and opened the can.  Mama croaked out a meow when she smelled the food. 

I put the food down, encouraging her to approach (I was a few feet away).  She did not, allowing Spot to approach the food and begin gobbling.  I went back in the house.  I had put the food under the chair so they were not easily seen, I wanted to give them privacy. 

My cats and I watched the show.  Spot ate until full, then backed off and Mama ate what was left.  What a good mother, putting her own needs aside to ensure her kitten is fed.    Baby Girl watched for a while, then Biscuit. Eventually the family left. 

I am disturbed.  I feel they would not be so hungry if they had a loving home.  And what happened to the calico baby?  Nothing good, I fear.  The cats do not come by every day so I don't have a predictable schedule to give a rescue. 

I am going to get some kitten food (good for nursing moms, too) when I go to Walmart tomorrow.  I can feed them at bare minimum, and have water available.  But I need to figure out what I am doing. 

I would love to adopt both but I don't think that is feasible, I have enough as it is.  I need to get the mother fixed ASAP.  The kitten can wait a few months, but Mama's going to go into heat again pretty quick. 

But transportation! Agh. 


Anonymous said...

Can you borrow a live trap and catch them and maybe get one of your drivers to help take them to the vet yourself do they have a free spay neuter program OMG the name Spot is so cute you are down one cat from your highest number as long as you know what you can manage with Rons care right?

Heather Knits said...

I have a live trap from my possum adventure. Only problem,may catch another possum.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can contact an animal rescue group in the area who can come pick up the cat once you trap it. Explain that you don’t drive. I am sure you will not have a problem finding one if you make the effort.

Heather Knits said...

I'm not going to leave them as/is. I need to get them coming regularly (plan to buy some kitten food) and then gotcha day for some happy rescuer.