Sunday, July 7, 2019

Most of Sunday

I slept OK except for the odd dream at the end, got up, cranked up my energy (Diet Mountain Dew involved), and did my workout, 40 minutes, on the exercise bike. 

THERE.  All done.  I was very happy to note my new lifestyle plan is working.  I had a protein shake and took my pills.  I was going to Sam's Club on a Sunday, I would need all the help I could get. 

Our ride was only a little late and we got there pretty fast.  I parked Ron and did my shopping. 

He had "enough" money for vodka yesterday but not the usual amount we spend.  I made it work anyway. 

The driver was half an hour early, excellent.  We loaded the truck, he got up in the bed and then I put everything on the tailgate for him to put away.  It worked pretty well.  I have been the person up in the truck bed and it isn't bad if you have a good helper.  I hope I was. 

We had called for help but no one showed.  I was annoyed to see not one, not two, but THREE guys loafing around, right around the corner from where we worked, as we left.  I pointed a finger at them and said things like "lazy" "rude" etc.  They didn't hear me of course but I am sure they got the idea. 

We got to work.  A very agitated, angry, woman came in behind us.  She did not have a badge and was not dressed for work (platform shoes).  She tried to push in behind us saying, "Oh, I'll just come in behind you" when I was taking Ron through the special door.  I said "NO", forcibly pulled the door away from her, said "It's OUR JOB if we let you in" and slammed the door.  She had a tantrum so I rang the doorbell for the Postal Police (yes, we have our own police force) and one came out quickly.  I explained she had tried to force her way in behind us and she was making excuses to him as I rolled Ron away. 

You may remember we had a tuneup on the bottled vendor, which is one of our big sellers.  It was nice and COLD at 37 today.  I was thrilled it was that easy.  We will have to get another tuneup in September, he said once a quarter is good. 

I got the carts and went back out.  I noted the troublemaker had left.  She had probably been laid off, angry, wanted to come back and kick her former supervisor's butt, but no one would let her in.  It is a SECURE Federal building and there are penalties for letting someone in without a badge.  If she had gotten in on my badge and started trouble it WOULD have been my job, unless they had her on video knocking me down.  Glad I handled it that way, I am going to start alerting the police every time someone tries to force their way in behind us.  They act like they will hold the door, then they grab it and try to walk in behind Ron.  Not on my watch! 

We loaded the carts, it wasn't too bad, mainly bottled drinks.  I got everything in the building, helped Ron, etc. 

At one point Ron got a little overwhelmed and ugly with me, so I went away and sat down for a while.  I suspect that is a head injury thing.  I tried, and failed, not to take it personally.  That's on me, I guess.  I am human. 

We finished up and went out, it was shift change and dozens of people were coming in the driveway to work.  The driver actually had to wait in line.  We got Ron in the vehicle and the wheelchair loaded, I got to sit in the "good" front seat.   The driver wanted to hear all about the cats so we told him, it was a quick (straight!) ride home. 

Ron brought another bottle of vodka in the house.  I asked him if he had already finished the first (in one day!).  He said no.  He worked on drinking while I took a nap with Torbie.  I slept for a couple of hours, physical labor will do that to you.  I woke up with a nasty headache but a caffeine drink helped with that. 

He fell asleep in his wheelchair, in the kitchen, while I slept, he woke up and took himself to bed while I was getting up.  I need to call my parents in about an hour.  I got a load of exercise clothes and new socks going with some scent beads.   My deodorant is excellent but I don't like to take chances, I would hate to have stinky clothes when I am out taking my walk or something. 

It is HOT and sunny and humid.  I am inside, the air conditioner is doing a good job, the washer is going, nothing to do for about an hour when I hang up my exercise clothes.  I checked, Ron made his trips for tomorrow.  One of my neighbors is outside doing yard work in the hottest part of the day. 

Ron has a theory guys like that have a fight with their wives, or make advances towards their wives and are rebuffed, get angry and go outside and do yard work in the miserable part of the day.  It would be so nice and quiet if the guy would just shut up.  Unfortunately for him, he bought a sunny corner lot so the grass grows very quickly.  I'm not trying to sleep so I don't care. 

The cats are OK with yard work as long as it is not close by, they begin to panic the closer it gets.  When our guys come they all hide under the bed until about an hour after they're gone. 

That's it for now.  Ron has had a pretty good day for pain and has not needed any Kratom.  That is good as far as I'm concerned.  I don't want him to suffer even when he is "unsupportive" at best. 

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