Wednesday, July 10, 2019

I could have put a saddle on it and rode it to Walmart

I slept pretty well, late for me, 7 AM.  I got up and found Ron awake and alert.  He asked for some Kratom and said it had worked very quickly for his pain - it has always done that for him.  We are both thrilled it works so fast for him. 

We talked for a while.  Chris came up.  I knew him from church youth group.  Many believe Ron was my "first love", no, it was Chris.  He was very gentle and accepting, smart as a whip, not conventionally handsome, had a little belly back in high school, but a very kind person.  I found him very soothing at a time when my life was chaotic. 

I was very interested in him but he treated me with courtesy and was friendly only, until the very end.  I told Ron about one of his rafting trips with family (he seemed to have a very close, warm, family).  Ron basically asked what happened.  I told him my theory. 

I had written Chris a letter saying I was very interested, if he returned the attentions maybe he could let me know, but I would always be his friend regardless.  He showed the letter to his Mom.  She probably called my stepmother (who later mentioned the letter to me), who would have given her the same spiel she gave the "Heather is so good in the church nursery, I want her to do babysitting for my kids at home" people. 

Told her I was mentally unstable, alcoholic mother, married 7 times.  Basically "Heather is a ticking time bomb and you and yours should run like hell."  I have NOTHING to prove it but it would explain the sudden step back "everyone" took (his mother and I had been friendly up to that point).  At the very end he did let me know he was interested as well but my parents had moved churches and it was impossible to see him anymore. 

So there's Chris.  I don't think I've talked much about him.  But, I told Ron, (and I have to remember Ron is a narcissist and probably felt HIGHLY threatened by this story) I wish him well.  I hope he is married to a wonderful woman and has a couple of teenagers, a nice house, good-running vehicles, lots of quality family time, a great job he loves.  I wish him nothing but the best.  Ron seemed very relieved hearing this but, in retrospect, it wouldn't have worked with Chris. 

Chris was "going places".  I have a GED.  Chris was driving, I couldn't.  He was going to college to get a technical degree (last I saw him, he hadn't decided what, exactly).  I am bipolar and was undiagnosed and unmedicated back then.  His life was better without me in it. 

But I have always wished him well. 

Ron drank some more vodka and went back to bed.  I woke up with a headache and it is not going away.  I may need to take something, I thought some icy cold soda would do it but no luck yet.  If I have to, I will take something.  I have some "green" Kratom that didn't work as well for Ron so I see it as "mine". 

As of right now, I have paid for all the Kratom.  I am OK with that, I would pay it not to hear him screaming, in agony constantly, and drinking himself to falling out of his wheelchair. 

I started thinking after Ron went to bed..  Now time for a very different story.  I will call her "Amber".  The only Amber I know in real life is a wonderful person but I need a name for this woman.  Basically, "Amber" is an old black woman.  She used to be moderately famous.  She rides the service and lives somewhat near our home, so we see her on occasion.  She has a "thing" she "has" to sit in the front seat.  Now, if the seat is empty and no one needs it I will take it, but if someone needs it (has trouble getting in the back), etc. I gladly give it up and ride in the back with Ron.  But this one demands other cripples move so she can have it. 

She uses a walker but gets around pretty well, so it's not an "I only fit in the front seat" issue.  She does not like me and Ron.  The last time I saw her, she was screaming invective out the window at me as the cab sat next to where I stood.  Back then, Ron could travel on his own, and had dropped me off at 1960 (a main street) to save me some time on the bus. 

She got a look at me and started screaming "You ate up all them groceries!  You got fat!  You leave him anything to eat?  Oh, you got fat!" just as loud and obnoxious as she could be.  Everyone was staring, the driver practically hid under his seat. 

It is one thing if someone with a head injury (Ron) makes a passing inappropriate remark, is corrected, and apologizes, this woman just wouldn't shut up.  She does not have a head injury or cognitive issue. 

They left.  According to Ron she was still talking about me.  Here's where he got BIG husband points.  She asked him why he was with a "fat" woman. 

"I don't care about her body.  That doesn't matter.  She has a beautiful spirit and that's what I love".  DING DING DING.  Winner for the husband.  She shut up. 

Ron didn't much like her after that - he doesn't like other people talking about me.  One of the drivers told him she has a lot of facial hair and he calls her "The mustache lady".   Everyone immediately knows, it is her.

I felt a little odd about that, on one hand it's correct, on the other I had a very minor "upper lip" issue.  I tried the razor, almost took my lip off.  I tried the "women's" cream, no luck.  I tried the powder, I didn't like it. 

I was thinking about my issue the other day.  I was particularly concerned because I have developed one tough, wiry, hair that likes to come in on the left side above my lip.  It is, I feel, "obvious". 

I was looking around online and found Magic Cream Shave, it is for black men to use, instead of a razor, to remove facial hair.  I figured anything designed for man facial hair is going to be tough enough to get rid of my little problem. 

I was able to get it with Walmart delivery yesterday.  Now, I had tried my "old" cream the other day, left it on as long as possible, nothing.  I wanted to give my face some time before I went after it with this. 

I got it out after Ron went to bed.  I applied it and set the timer.  The timer went off.  I wiped it off with a wet wipe.  And I had hair on the wipe!  I was so happy.  I got it all off and it was fine.  My face looks like it should, no irritation, and I have a HUGE tube of this stuff.  I only need about half a tablespoon per application so this will last a while. 

It didn't last long, then I found a huge roach in the bathtub.  I had to kill it with a bottle of Clorox spray (I hit it with the bottle).  I got it.  Ron woke up and asked what was happening.  I told him, adding, "I could have put a saddle on it and rode it to Walmart".  He laughed and went back to sleep. 

That's the problem with our occasional habit of propping the garage door for the cats.  The outside door is shut, but has pretty significant gaps to let "visitors" in the garage.  If we prop the door to the garage they can come in.  But the cats love it so much, they love to explore the garage and have fun.

I plan to pretty much hang out at home today, take it easy. 

Oh, something I found interesting: Doc gives certain lectures to the medical students when I visit, because I take lithium. 

1.  History of lithium usage and why we have to test every year. 
2.  How lithium works. 
3.  Precautions to take with lithium. 

He got to #3, I had told him I was working out again (he knows a lot about my life) and he said "You need to take a salt tablet everytime you work out" and I got the #3 lecture on dangers of lithium ion pushing out sodium ion and causing toxicity. 

I called the pharmacy last night, was on hold forever.  I think everyone is refilling their prescription with a tropical thing in the Gulf.  When I finally spoke to a human I asked for some salt tablets (they can order them) and checked on my order (I take 4 prescriptions every day).  He said they were all fine and I could pick them up in a few days.  Good. 

I plan to go tomorrow.  We also have an electric bill so I can pay that as well. 

Now I'm going to go rot my brain on some TV. 


Anonymous said...

"I don't care about her body. That doesn't matter. She has a beautiful spirit and that's what I love". DING DING DING. Winner for the husband. "

This must have been a very long time ago and on a day when he was feeling good because all the comments you have posted about him calling you fat, etc do not fit with the above statement.

Heather Knits said...

It was a while ago, before the drinking at least.

I think he lashes out at me because he hates himself. He believes I will take it forever and he can just tear me down until I feel as small as he does.

I do not allow that.

Anonymous said...

I think waxing is the best way to get ride of facial hair (but go to a salon and have it done they will do from your forehead down I swear she will even pull the hair out of the inside your nose! and the more you do it the less it grows back . You can also use a product from Sally Hanson they are facial strips , Waxing my face never hurt it is when I did the bikini wax I went through the roof LOL!