Sunday, July 7, 2019

Easy off, easy on

Ron gets positively ugly when I mention weight loss, especially if I mention actually LOSING weight.  I remember one time, about 14 years ago, he was drunk and angry at me.  I had my workout stuff in the house at that time and went and did some weights.  He kept shouting at me that "my body might be thin but my mind was fat" over and over again. 

I think he feels very threatened by an attractive/normal weighted wife.  So I can't share any of this with him. 

But, I weighed for the first time in 3 weeks (try to do it about that often).  I have lost 4 pounds and 1.5 inches.  I will take it!  An inch off my waist and half an inch off my hips. 

So that was a good start, and a reminder to keep it up. 

I slept OK, no headache, but woke up after a strange dream involving Ron, happy to get up and away from what. 

Now it is time for the exercise bike - I am glad to see my "moderation" plan is working so well.  I am not killing myself at diet or exercise, I am eating in a way that can be maintained, and am progressing nicely. 

I have a motto: "Easy off, easy on".  It was my experience with the extreme low carb diets, if I lost it quickly it all came back with friends the second I ate a bite off plan.  That is no way to live, forced to eat a diet of grease and protein, desperately wanting a few french fries now and then, but don't dare. 

The last time we went to Chilis I was given a basket of fries with my order.  I ate about 3 and pushed the rest aside.  I didn't want them, so I didn't eat them.  I just focused on the big, delicious, burger. 

Anyway, the bike is not going to ride itself, time to get going. 

1 comment:

Spankadoo said...

Congratulations on the fitness gains! Or losses would be more accurate!
You worked your butt off literally pulling your gym together and getting your routine going I am sure you have replaced fat with muscle from all the kettle work you have done!
Go Heather good for you!