Monday, July 29, 2019

The rest of Monday

I went to the gas station. 

I went out to feed the outside cats, it was pretty overcast and moody looking.  I fed them (Cleo gets her own bowl, now), put up their bowls, fed my cats again, and got my cheap umbrella. 

I had a good walk over there, had my snack, it started raining.  It wasn't too bad on the way back, though.  And I got 2 good walks. 

I came home, checked the mail, a large package.  It was not the cat food and I only ordered 2 things this week.  So it must be Ron's phone.  I took it into him, he was happy. 

I put it away until we can get to the cell phone store. 

The outside cats were hungry again so I fed them again.  Cleo spooked when I moved my hand, sitting in my chair, but ate right next to me on the ground. 

Last week I saw a strange man - not mexican - peering in the truck windows at #6, he caught me watching him and moved off.  I thought it was creepy and I have never seen them have a friend of this race over, either. 

Tonight he came back, blocked #6 (the man) in with his van, got out, talking to him "Sorry about last week..." I got bad vibes off him so I went in the house, I didn't like the way he kept looking over at me.  He left and came back, later, when I was throwing out some trash so I hustled back in the house. 

I went in the house and cleaned all the litter boxes, set up 2 more.  That is an astounding sum total of litter boxes, but, in my experience it is better for a kitten to have a box in every room.  They never have far to 'go". 

It took a while but I got all that set up, took out that trash (good thing I didn't get undressed) creepy dude was gone, fed the outside cats again. 

I washed my hands, heated up a hot pocket (generic brand) and started doing up my pills.  If I had a lot of money I would absolutely do Pill Pack.  It took me a while. 

I took "monday night" and ate my hot pocket (very good), ate a yogurt for dessert.  I pretty much eat yogurt at every meal. 

Ron wanted dinner so I helped him heat it up.  He ate the beef stew portion of the meal and spilled the gravy on the floor.  I saw Baby Girl licking it up.  He got what she didn't, I hope she doesn't get sick. 

I went out to check on the cats and they weren't hungry!  For the first time in weeks, they were just loafing around on my (small) porch looking relaxed and owning the place.  Cleo didn't even run away and Spot let me pet him when he wasn't eating. 

I am about to go to bed after I get a drink.  The lithium always makes me super thirsty. 

Tomorrow I plan to get up early and do Kettlebells before I take Mama cat to the vet. 

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Bless your fuzzy heart for helping that cat and her babies. You do find joy in the world and are a very resilient woman The world is harsh and no matter what the circumstances kindness sharing and caring for others with or with out fur is a wonderful thing

Much love dear Healther I Hope you find some peace in your home and I have no idea what to say about Ron except watching him turn so deeply into his alcoholism, abusive nature and rage has been really hard!

I am gong to take a break for a while while I start a new job you have my email if you ever want to reach out and just chat please do it is fine

I never called my husband names although he was really vile in what he called me. But I did call him a “MEAN ABUSIVE OLD MAN” I will be honest when Ron torments you about sleep issues, your weight, your past mistakes, his drinking whatever he is truly being a “MEAN ABUSIVE OLD MAN” .
I hope you find the value in Heather and demand he either get his shit together or you leave. And then do it.