Monday, July 8, 2019


Long day today.  I had trouble falling asleep last night and then trouble waking up this morning, I overslept. 

I barely had time for my shower and getting us both dressed.  Off to work.  Snacks needed a lot of work so I got to it, did it ALL.  They looked good when I left. 

I helped Ron with his work, checked the bottled vendor, compressor still cold, good.  Got the sandwich delivery, stocked it, etc. 

Time to go! I left Ron in the shade while I waited on our ride.  The ride/driver were OK but the driver does not understand powerball lotteries in various time zones.  He is convinced one could "get the winning numbers" from an earlier time zone (EST) and then call it in to (MST) before they stopped selling tickets, and win.  It doesn't work that way, they close ALL ticket sales before the drawing.  Why would they allow themselves to be cheated by doing it "his" way? 

Then he had a lot of "big plans how I am going to spend my winnings".  SIGH.  Ron tried to tell him money is not the end of things and there are more important things to worry about, he didn't receive it.  He will find out the hard way on judgement day. 

We got home, I took a nap.  I woke up with a pretty bad headache.  I had a caffeine drink and that seemed to help. 

I got Ron up and dressed, he wanted to take me out to dinner.  He behaved this time.  We had a very long ride home, a woman kept complaining bitterly about the service, but I didn't see anyone else taking her home "they drove past my house, and they were late picking me up" 

I told her, that is every day, and if she wants to avoid problems to ride earlier before they get bogged down.  She flapped her hand at me to shut me up, got out, and walked off, leaving her house keys sitting in the seat.  The driver had to chase her down and give them to her.  She didn't even say thank you. 

And her neighborhood was a DUMP, falling down mobile homes and badly done home "additions".  If you are disabled in Houston you have your pick of the neighborhoods, with a housing voucher.  I know one lady who spends an extra $100 a month on top of her housing voucher to live in some really nice apartments.  Worth it, I'd say, the break from the trouble and noise. 

Then we had to drop off the other client, she was slow and lived way off the beaten path, we were probably an extra 45 minutes taking her home in addition to what the other woman "cost".  Ron started getting carsick because he had to ride in the wheelchair compartment. 

Finally home, he didn't want to pull into the driveway so I had him let us out in the street.  I was pushing the wheelchair up the driveway at a pretty good speed when I saw a cat (not mine) on the porch, and I hit a crack, almost throwing Ron out of the wheelchair.  Ron was very nice about it. 

I told him the orange and white kitten was back.  It was very comfortable under the chair on the porch, basically "owning" the whole front yard.  It was also precious and adorable. 

I got Ron in the house and shut the doors, then got a can of cat food and a plate, took it out on the porch.  I did not see the kitten :( but I am sure "he" is around.  I left the food out and then refilled my big bowl of water so he'd have something to drink.  A fur coat in feels like over 100 temperatures, with sun, every day, must be miserable to be a cat in Houston right now.  At least an outside one. 

And I named him Spot, because he has orange tabby spots.  I always wanted a cat named Spot.  I did what I could for him, checked the mail (electric bill $114), and came back inside.  Ron was exhausted (he did not sleep last night, and did not wake me up) and curled up in bed.  He is not going anywhere tomorrow. 

I checked my email and got some good news about something I bought, I was happy to read that.  We may have a tropical thing in the Gulf coming to town this weekend... but it looks more like New Orleans.  At any rate, I made sure we had our insurance papers tucked away safely, check.  I also checked our battery supply, very decent, Ron loves his battery operated fan. 

A funny story about that.  I bought a battery operated fan for Ron, it was about 8 inches across and ran on a couple of D cell batteries.  I gave it to him.  He gave it back, I put it in the cabinet.  We had Hurricane Ike, no power for days. 

He asked if I still had the fan (he told me to throw it out).  I presented it to him with fresh batteries.  He loved it because he could put it in bed next to him and have it point at his face while he slept (he was pretty sick back then).  Now he uses it on a regular basis just because he likes it.  So we have plenty of batteries for that. 

Everything else is good, I just bought some more cat food which would be my other concern, especially as one can't eat a standard cat food diet.  I will lose power to their water fountains if we lose power, but other than that no cat issues.  I have plenty of litter as well. 

I will do all the laundry so everything is fresh, and that will be about it.  I may buy some canned food on my next Walmart order.  But I feel pretty confident I don't have to rush around. 

Which is one reason I try to have supplies.  Also getting some Kratom for Ron (I did before all this but now really glad). 

Anyway, I'm going to go poke around the Walmart site and maybe buy some groceries.  I plan to do my workout in about half an hour, before I go to bed.  Then I don't have any worries about getting it tomorrow. 

Hopefully I will be able to sleep after it. 


Anonymous said...

Kittens are helpless on their own outside. Please contact a rescue group to come and get the kitten before it gets killed by a dog or person. Thank you.

Spankadoo said...

Have you tried drinking a Dew prior to your napping right after while the caffeine kicks in prevent a headache
You enjoy your drinks and I know I always have coffee before a nap when I take one because when I wake up I do not need to rescue myself back to live I just wake up when the caffeine kicks in ..maybe you would wake up once your kicked in and avoid a post nap headache ?

You love your Dew there is so much worse and as long as you keep the caffeine going like most of us do with coffee? You have an agreed upon amount with your doctor why not have it before your nap and see what happens?

Much love I am at my goal weight as of today ..took a lot of work and fighting with myself over the need to eat vs wanting to eat but I did it!
You are doing great as well ..Oh I saw in our community there is a group that trades clothing during weightloss I wonder if you could hook up with something like that?

Heather Knits said...

I may just try the caffeine trick. I have heard of "coffee naps" so pretty much the same thing.

Congrats on goal weight! I know that is not easy.

Clothes are generally pretty trashed by the time I get through with them. LOL Only good as rags!

Heather Knits said...

I agree about the kitten. Problem is it has at least one sibling (or did, a few weeks ago), plus an unaltered mother probably about to go into heat again.

I will do what I can for the family, just remember I am non driving, and have limited funds.

Anonymous said...

They are not helpless if they are good mousers.

Heather Knits said...

These guys are small pets, not feral. Whenever I feed them they eat it all. My cats always leave some in the bowl.

Now, Baby Girl has always been a good mouser because Bubba taught her how to kill rats, before he died.