Monday, July 1, 2019

Monday, crazy, but not manic

I forget how I slept, it's been such a busy day.  I did not take my "morning" pills until well after 1, that busy. 

Normally Ron and I live quiet little lives.  I like it like that.  Today was different. 

We got up at 4, got ready, went to work.  We stocked, oh, did I stock.  Ron did all his work pretty much yesterday but I worked my butt off stocking.  I stocked everything.  Candy bars, chips, crackers, you name it.  If it could vend, I stocked it. 

We had 1 repairman out who fixed the two soda machines.  The other guy is coming Wednesday.  Tuesday night I will send him a picture message of his money to remind him! 

I did all that.  Then we went to the bank and turned our money into something more spendable than $1 bills.  I love $1 bills, but not for my entire paycheck.  We did that.  We went to the pharmacy.  Some drama around that but Ron "walked" out with his medication so a win.  Stupid opiate laws.  They only allow him less than 2 pills a day and then they make him crawl and beg to get that.  No wonder I got the Kratom. 

Then we went to Walmart.  I parked Ron out of the way and basically got a whole lot of Diet Mountain Dew, I love the stuff.  For whatever reason they will not deliver that.  I also got a 6 pack of Diet Dr Pepper just to keep things interesting.  I got some tea mix and another bottle of juice to become a urinal. 

I bought all that and left it with Ron.  Then I went to my bank and started to make my deposit, remembering, at the last minute, I had to put enough for my autopays (cell phone, etc.).  So I did that.  I should be good for a while. 

It is likely we will make a Chewy order as we are "low" on treats.  Baby Girl, in particular, is extremely partial to Shrimpy Shrimp so I will see if Ron wants to get some for her - Chewy has a 1 pound canister as opposed to the large canister, or the pouch.  I think the one pound canister is better for a couple of reasons I won't mention.  I wouldn't mind paying for that.  It ships fast, too, we are literally one day away from their facility. 

Deposit finished, we waited on our ride and went home.  My feet were killing me, I had been wearing my work boots through all this.  Oh, so good to take those socks off and walk on my cool tile floor!  Even better to lie down for a nap with Biscuit! 

Ron gave up in finding his lost item and called the cable company for a replacement, not consulting me, and making an appointment for tomorrow morning.  A little annoyed BUT it is supposed to rain tomorrow anyway.  And I can go out in the afternoon if I really want. 

But, I went to Walmart and made my deposit, so I am good.  I just got a huge (for me) grocery delivery.  I have 2 pints of ice cream in the freezer.  I am set on "things". 

"Activity" not sure.  I would like to get some more Kratom.  It worked really well for my headache that time (happily only once) and has continued to work well on Ron's pain.  I can't tell you how happy that makes me.  Ron can be a very good man and I do love him, and I would never want him to suffer.  So I'm happy it works and is legal in Texas, and I have a provider right next door in San Antonio. 

I do have 2 ounces of powder and am considering buying a capsule machine, to put the powder into capsule.  I can only find one thing to complain about with kratom: the taste is horrendous.  Far better to take some capsules, especially since you'll only be taking it when you're already suffering.  The powder costs about half what the capsules do, so I can see why some people do take it.  But - shudder - the taste is not pineapple. 

I went to sleep.  Ron made some noise so I got up and checked on him, I was worried about him drinking himself on the floor.  He was still pretty sober and got to bed just fine on his own.  I slept about an hour and woke up right before the yard guys came through. 

Whenever I get down about "immigrants" they come by to remind me there are some awesome ones in the bunch.  I got dressed and took them some cold bottles of water, they won't take money because they adopted us.  I don't know what the guy at work told them about us but they have adopted us, do all our landscaping for free.  Rarely the husband/father will take a little cash "take your wife to dinner" but never if his wife is around, she forbids it.  They are very proud and very kind people, I really enjoy them AND they do a fantastic job and it's free.  They just show up whenever which is fine for us. 

We certainly needed the visit. 

The cats all fled, they are terrified of yard guy equipment, particularly leaf blowers.  If I were a sick and sadistic person I would get one for discipline.  But I love them and would never scare them on purpose. 

So I have the rest of today off, some of tomorrow.  Like I said, not sure what I will do but I do need to talk to Ron about our treat situation.  We have plenty for Biscuit (those aren't cheap) but not a lot for the girls.  Torbie is a "me too" cat when it comes to treats, she always shows up by Ron's right foot when he's treating Baby Girl. 

And Chewy is out of Shrimpy Shrimp.  BUT they have a lobster flavor.  I'll see what Ron wants, he is treat man. 

He doesn't want to worry about it now, we still have some treats.  I just had a thought, Amazon. 

Yup, they had them.  Free delivery because I have Prime.  SO I ordered 3 pounds.  That should hold us for quite a while, and the girls love the flavor. 

Biscuit has plenty of prescription treats to last him a while.  He is mainly into his food, which as we know acts as medicine to him.  It's like he knows how good it is for him. 

I am running the washer on a clean cycle because the manual said do it once a month, or every 6 loads, depending.  I run about 4 loads a month.  I also need to clean one of the water fountains and change the filter, I try to do it all on the first so I remember to do it, and what day. 

Ron made a trip to the buffet place tomorrow so it will be pretty much me at home all day, not ideal but there is always Thursday.  I will let him know in strong terms: I want Thursday to myself. 

My Dad would have a fit if I didn't stand up and take a day, he is very worried about me.  When we talked, I mentioned I had gone to a smaller size pant (not entirely, just in a couple of pairs) and he was thrilled. 

I WAS going to work out but I am exhausted and my feet just stopped hurting.  Better to get up early tomorrow, on my day off, and do it.  I got all my "movement minutes" for the day anyway.  I am tired and very good odds I will go to bed early. 

I need to take care of myself. 


Anonymous said...

"I think the one pound canister is better for a couple of reasons I won't mention. "

Reason #1 a new piss canister for Ron.
Reason #2 a new s-it canister for ron

Heather Knits said...

No, not that. For one, he kept leaving the lid off.

Anonymous said...

I spit my coffee