Monday, February 27, 2023

Monday all of it in one blog

 I slept OK last night.  Biscuit was in my computer chair all morning before I left for work so that was out. 

Work wasOK. I did explain a little about having FAS to one of my team members who will likely tell the rest of the team but I am OK with that if 1. It keeps them sober during their next pregnancies and 2. Helps them understand me better. It is very odd that I don't drive so I need to explain that before they think I am some sort of lush who had her license revoked. 

Sometimes when I hand out candy people tell me I am very nice,etc. I am not. I am a flawed human being.  A good example was the ride home.  

Skip to the ++ if you don't want to read something awful.  

So a couple got on the bus, appeared homeless. They had one big bag between them. She had open wounds/sores all over her arms that had been picked so badly she had severe scarring and fresh wounds. It was horrible to look at. As in, I still don't want any dinner. It was apparent she had done this to herself. 

And I felt a very strong leading to give them each a bag of candy with a Scripture booklet. But it was icky!  God knows what I would catch if I touched one of her open wounds. I fought God on it for a good 10 minutes but eventually gave them each a bag as I got off the bus. And they did not follow me home.  

++++ But a "good person"would have just done it. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

I love hearing the Holy Spirit is moving in people's lives. I prayed just today that he sends Christians into my daughters life.

Anonymous said...

Your human not a bad person but I believe that may of been a test of faith an in the end you pass it hon amen