Monday, February 6, 2023

Monday morning

 I slept OK last night.  

Saturday I found a very nice medium duffel bag, in purple, in my garage. It had fun things like adult diapers,a menstrual cup (worked), and some toiletries in it. I tried the shampoo and conditioner and it worked great yesterday so I don't need to wash my hair today. 

And my shower will be much nicer today as I cleaned it out yesterday.  So I'm off to do that.  

I can't figure out what my body is doing, the last time I had very light spotting I had a full blown cycle two weeks later.  So I guess I just bring everything. 

It is very confusing. But at this stage I do have the natural estrogen and other hormones which help with weight loss.  

I am very glad all my blood test numbers were so great. 

That's it for now.


Anonymous said...

I dealt with that issue for years. Skip a month then the next month it was like someone had sliced my insides going through menopause is one of the worst things ever ugg but eventually it just stops an you never deal with it ever

Heather Knits said...

Preach it! Last time I had a 3 drop cycle I had a very heavy flow 2 weeks later. I think I'm just going to wear a cloth pad every day for a while. And it is easy to stuff a few various absorbency tampons in my vest.

I want to be sustainable with my cycle but disposable whatevers are going to be used when I'm working.

Anonymous said...

You can thank god for the gift of menopause.

Heather Knits said...

My mental symptoms haven't been bad at all I think because I am already on mood medication. I had the hot flashes back in the 2010's. I very seldom have them now unless I have a lot of caffeine.

Cycles are unpredictable which is frustrating but that's about my only gripe. As I've said countless times I hear weight loss is MUCH harder without a cycle and also weight gain goes along with full menopause so not in a hurry for that actually.

I'll just wear the pad every day and take tampons. I go to the bathroom every couple hours at work so I ought to be OK. I had a good run but I cannot have children taking this medication they would be horrifically maimed. As in limb deformities, abnormal penis, etc. Things no loving mother would wish on a child.

So if I'm still having cycles I am likely getting fixed if I remarry. Before I remarry. If I remarry.