Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Wednesday morning

 So I took the shower last night so I don't need to run around this morning (part of the reason). Also when I was in the bathroom at work, right before clocking in,there was an employee vomiting in a stall. Sick?  Pregnant?  Both?  Who knows but I don't want it. I use the toilet at work at least 4 times a day (one of my medications acts as a diuretic). That's a lot of flesh exposure (still) to whatever is on the seat.  I am not real keen on bringing those toilet seat germs home. 

I will see if I get a cycle in the next 2 weeks. I don't have any tenderness yet which is generally a sure fire sign. On the one hand I would be thrilled to hit menopause but I worry about cardiac risk and also weight gain issues. I think my bones are fine. 

I need to get a new keyboard, I have been bitching about that for a while now. I am thinking about buying myself a bottle of perfume when I get my raise.  They have a lot of nice ones in the $20 range. Just get one, maybe some more "Tea Rose" I always liked that. It is old fashioned but I like it. The one I had last time didn't have good staying power and I would like something to stick around. 

The weather is going to be nice all week but cloudy so that's OK.  

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

How did the shoes hold up?

Heather Knits said...

Shoes did fairly well. Got a little tight at the end of the day but didn't hurt, would wear again but not every day.