Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunday late afternoon

 I had a nap, woke up with a headache to the sounds of revelry next door.  Got up carefully around Biscuit, sleeping with me, and got up.  

Not in order I: cleaned my iron skillet and stainless steel spatula, cleaned out the sink, put some cleaning chemicals in the bathroom, and sprayed the front door with some apple cider vinegar in water. I have a fiberglass?  Some kind of composite front door (it was donated by a door company after my house was robbed, it had a few minor scuffs so less "sell-able").  Sometimes cats spray it and the vinegar gets it off. But it "cut" it with water so it doesn't corrode. 

I don't care if the tomcats spray my trash can or fence but I do mind if they mess with my door.  Oh I just remembered something I REALLY need to do. I had a bucket out back that had filled with water and was disgusting, I went out and dumped it.  I also threw back a soccer ball that made it over the fence. 

They were running a sale on those menstrual cups I mentioned, with prime I was paying $2.70 each. Those things can run up to $35 each so that was a steal.  And I figure I will be getting raptured soon and the world will go to hell and what are the poor women going to do when they get their period?  If they raid my house I have pads, cups, and some disposables.  They come in a 2 pack so I got a small, and a large, 4 total.  I need to wash and boil them then put them away. I need to print up some directions on how to use them and put it together.  

I really think it's that close, peeps.  Time is almost out. I know some of you are holding onto a lot of anger at God because what He has allowed doesn't fit your logic or your idea of what's fair.  But who would have thought Ron getting run over and killed would lead to so many Bibles and booklets being handed out?  Back in our heyday Ron and I handed out thousands of Bibles and no one can take that from us.  I don't see the long view, no one does. But God does and it ALL works for good in the long run. 

If I ever marry a man with kids I'd like to think my experiences with the favoritism growing up (I was my Dad's favorite, and my stepmother favored her kids) will inform me and make me a more sensitive and better parent. My experience with depression and widowhood has made me more sensitive to others going through that.  Things like that. 

Anyway I need to get the new ones cleaned and put up. I keep them separately from my regular cups and will have a note with them indicating they are clean and unused.  I have a white one that is "old" but still works great (company is out of business, sadly) and a new pink one I like a lot, those are "mine" the other, unused, pink one is in the top drawer where I plan to put the new stuff.  And if I don't get raptured and my cup cracks or gets icky I can just "shop" in the drawer for a new one.  

My understanding on these things I need to wash in mild, unscented soap, rinse, and boil 10 minutes.  Don't microwave. Then air dry on a wash cloth and put in the little bag, then in the drawer. I rotate use on the cups so I use one one week (I wash with soap every night, boil 1x a week), wash, boil, put away, get out the other.  I think that is why a lot of cup makers sell them in 2 packs.  

I have heard they can get icky if not properly cleaned. 

Enough about that; it's my way of managing menopause I never know what my body is going to do one day to the next. The last couple years I pretty much wore a pad every day but that gets old and was not comfortable. Or cheap.  Reusable pad + cup works better for me at least until I'm done.  

The women in the menopause group said 2 years without a cycle if you are under 50 (I am) = menopause and 1 year without a cycle over 50. I am under 50.  So I am figuring this all out as I go along.  As I've said the women who would talk to me all had hysterectomies and the women who did transition naturally, including my birth mother, are either dead or not comfortable talking.  And you can always scroll. 

I am glad I have so much cooked food in the freezer, that was a good use of my weekend.  I am hooked on going to the store early and buying that discount meat. The store gets back the cost of the meat and I get some protein. 

I am still full from lunch, I had sausage and cheese. Plan is to have sausage and cheese for breakfast everyday, take nuts for my snack and then a keto sandwich for lunch.  That has worked in weeks past (the sandwich) so I shouldn't gain out of that. 

That's it for now I have to get ready to call Dad.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we're at the end, too. If OUR future looks bleak, what kind of future does the next generation have?
My 11 year old grandson can even tell time is short. I made sure they both know about Jesus.