Friday, February 3, 2023

Friday morning

 I slept great, doing laundry and changed my sheets. My parents gave me a nice set of sheets for my birthday a few years ago so I took them off the bed as my cycle may? show up sometime the next few days (although I am lacking some sure-fire indicators). So I put the boring gray patterned sheets on the bed but I had to wash the top sheet. 

Then I will take a shower and do my God Time, call a Uber and go to the blood test lab. After the lab I will likely go to the Post Office and then the grocery store.  We will see.  I haven't figured it out. Later tonight I plan to wash my (unused) cloth pads as they are more absorbent after a few washes, and put them in a drawer. I plan to wear the usual things when I am working or out of the house but this is a good option for when I am at home. And they have had tampon shortages in the past so I would rather be proficient at using these things before it gets that bad again. Just my thought process.  

Cats are good, Biscuit slept with me today.  He's a good boy. 

I forgot about the clothes in the dryer but I got them going now. I am going to wear my "thug cats" 

shirt with some jeans. Should be fun. I also plan to wear this to see my doctor, either this or the long sleeved red t shirt. Depends on the weather. 

I have some stuff in the dryer so I am getting that done quick before the washer finishes.  

Now I have today pretty much done up but thinking what I want to do for the next couple days.  One day I want to go out in the garage and sort all my clothes by size and have that done up. They are everywhere out there now. Another day I need to do the cooking.  I will figure it out.  

I am thinking to do some sausage tonight.  

That's it for now I will post again when I get back.  

Edit, I got one of those class action lawsuit things in my email. Ron had both the hernia mesh and the clot filter and could have sued for sure on the clot filter as his broke. We knew it was broken but he didn't want it taken out as that would have meant surgery and a hospital stay. 

I asked if he wanted to sue.  He said no.  I asked if he wanted me to sue if it came loose and killed him. Interestingly enough he said no. I always thought it was interesting.  

It did not kill him, heart disease did.  Number one killer in the US.  


Anonymous said...

Yeah Ron never wanted you to do anything that might get you ahead financially. He certainly was an enigma.

Heather Knits said...

It's called financial abuse "keep them under your thumb" and yes he did that very much in addition to physical, verbal, and spiritual (running down my faith and screaming at me when I would express it). The idea of a confident and independent Heather terrified him, at least until he became bed-bound.