Saturday, February 18, 2023

Still cooking the ground beef

 I am up to my eyeballs in ground beef. Cooking it all.  

I could be lazy and freeze it raw but it is at the sell by date and REALLY needs to get cooked tonight. So back to it. I am using various different seasonings.  Cajun was good, so was the "Texas BBQ".  I also did some garlic and black pepper, will do an "Italian" and then of course some Taco seasoning so I can make the infamous taco casserole.  

It smells much better than regular beef and tastes better too. I am wearing an old oversized t shirt I kept for just this; cooking and messy house work.  The house reeks of ground beef. I will light some incense when I'm done. 

Cleo came by begging for yogurt but did not want any beef. She has had more of this carton than I have but it isn't affecting her negatively, and I can't see organic, whole milk, plain, Greek yogurt being a bad thing for her. She had digestive issues when she moved in, she, her brother, and her Mom all did.  No details on that. Probiotics helped them get back on track I got the sprinkles you put in wet food.  All the cats liked that. 

So I think yogurt, ongoing, is a good thing. 

My hands are really dry from all the hand washing. Other than that it is progressing.  I am glad I had the nap, though. This is running late.  

I am cramming it all into the freezer.  When I am done I suspect I will have frozen meats falling out at me every time I open the freezer, but I am OK with that. 

Let's just pray God my elderly fridge hangs in there. 😂

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