Saturday, February 25, 2023

Saturday afternoon

 I always liked Ray Bradbury, he is one of my favorite authors. I read everything I could get that he did and one of my favorite quotes came from him "Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact". 

He wrote in one of his books about the first day of summer; how (and I am going to do a very poor job restating this vs. his prose) the first day of summer should not be June 21, but the day it is warm and sunny out, the day all the fathers get out their lawnmowers and fill the neighborhood with the sounds of it and the scent of cut grass.  

That's today.  Everyone is mowing their yards, lots of greenery and fresh growth, life.  Kind of like the day Ron died actually. But I don't hold that against spring. I would rather he died in the spring vs. the winter.  

Speaking of dead my jasmine is for certain, dead. I will have to get someone out to give me an estimate on how much to take it down.  

That's it for now. 

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