Saturday, February 18, 2023

Making lemonade (very early Saturday)

 Well last night STARTED well then some neighbor decided to play loud music starting around 2. I don't know who; I don't know where.  I ask God (not daily) to give me more empathy and make me less cranky; I thought how I played my music louder than normal the first couple months after Ron died (you could hear it outside my house but I don't think neighbors could hear it in THEIR house, in my case).  That's the kind of thing that would get Ron very upset but I just said hell with it and got up at 3.  

So I washed and boiled my menstrual cup (no cycle this week but it was nice to be on guard, you have to boil and wash the things on the regular or you can get a nasty infection), started some laundry, made tea. 

I plan to work my budget and then trim my insoles for my new/old shoes and then take my shower, do my God Time, figure out when the grocery store opens.  I don't need to buy much as I went ahead and bought most of it at work last night. But I could use a block of cheese and maybe some fruit and vegetables.  

I have been feeling like Spotty isn't really included in my life and have been working to fix that.  Sleeping with him in his (Ron's) room on my day off, more petting, encouraging him to come in my room.  I am messy and prefer to have my dresser drawers open so he likes to sleep in with the underwear, he started doing that again.  Sometimes he throws a pair on the floor getting comfortable which I always find funny.  I'm not THAT messy.  

I was bad and did not text my friend or my aunt when I got home last night so I had worried texts when I got up.  But probably the only thing worse than not texting would be texting them back at 4 am saying I did get home OK. I will let them know later but my aunt probably checked the blog.  

But I'm going to get a lot done today.  I went to bed pretty early so I think I got about 6-7 hours of sleep so I ought to be good for a while. And I will get a nap with Spotty later.  

I got my schedule, I work on Ron's graduation day (March 6).  I think I will be OK based on holidays so far this year,  Christmas was OK, New Years (New Years was a big one for us for quite a while), Valentine's day, so I think graduation day will as well.  I will work very hard not to have a running narrative of March 6, 2021 with my coworkers and customers. 

That's it for now I will try and post before I go out.  I would go out even if I didn't need anything because it is important to get out of the house on my day off.  I do better around people. 

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