Saturday, February 4, 2023

Saturday afternoon

 I guess I should start this off with making the anniversary ring when Ron and I hit 10 years together. I mailed my engagement ring with it's adorable little diamond to a nice lady who took it out and put it in a band with garnets and sapphires. She put an "alexandrite" stone in the engagement setting.  

In 2012 I went on a Bible handout in a very bad area.  I had cardboard boxes of Bibles with my shipping address on them.  There were gang members and drug dealers at the corner watching us closely.  I was lazy after I finished, the gas station had these nice big trash cans, so I mashed down the boxes with my name and address and put them in the cans as we left. 

A few days later we were robbed but I had, for some reason,separated all my jewelry into several "families" and hid them various places. 

In 2019 I had the pipe break and an emergency pack-out of all my things except a few I held back. I did not think about my jewelry and still have not found the anniversary band. But, working in the garage today I did find my engagement ring setting with the alexandrite stone. I also found a ring I am very fond of, a gold ring with a (fake) heart shaped ruby surrounded by (fake) diamonds.  Ron got it for me some years back.  I also found my silver ring with the purple garnet and 2 (fake) sapphires. So I am pretty happy. 

I got up this morning, checked my email.  No test results.  I took my shower and did my God time,went to the high-end grocery store.  They had a special on laundry detergent 2 for 1. I got the special.  That is a lot of laundry detergent. I got a few other things and came home. 

I was upset, I had bought 2 muffins that appeared to be bran.  When I bit into it I tasted chocolate and realized the "raisins' were chocolate chips.  I am probably the only person I know who would be upset. I spit it out and gave the rest of my muffin to the parking lot birds. I gave the other muffin to my driver, who knew me and seemed pretty hungry. 

Just a bite of chocolate once provoked a violent, week-long migraine.  I still don't know how Ron took care of himself. 

I got home and found I had my test results, which were excellent.  I have NOTHING to worry about eating this way. I called Dad and let him know my triglycerides were in the 50's he was really happy to hear that.  He was very worried about me.  

I already did a post on my results so I won't bore you again.  I tried to take a nap but couldn't sleep, talked to my aunt. I went out in the garage to do some organizing and found my rings. Now I am relaxing.  I have a roast in the crock pot but I think I will have cheese melts for dinner and eat the pot roast tomorrow. 

That's it for now. 

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