Thursday, February 16, 2023

Thursday morning

 This one will have to be short. I was surprisingly functional considering how little sleep I had and put in a good day's work. 

Came home on the bus. The shoes I had admired were sold so that, I figured, was my answer.  My salad mix is bad, it's a mix of red and green lettuces.  The red ones are all bad. I was really disappointed.  I will see what kind of ready to eat vegetable offerings we have at work today. 

The cats are going crazy for the crystal litter and doing everything in there now. I will have to buy more; plan is to pay for a ride home from work on Friday night and get some then. It is not heavy, or expensive.  I got the Vibrant Life brand if it matters. 

We had a cold front come through this morning and it also brought a nasty headache.  I am functional but am going to try to see what we have at work in the "lemon pie" department. The actual lemon pie we sell is way too crumbly and would mess up my clothes but I'm sure they have something else. 

I have been eating sandwiches on keto bread and weight is steady at 183 so I feel OK having that on the regular now. I think it was the sweet potatoes and milk that were getting me. I will try adding a little milk next week. 

That's it for now. 

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