Sunday, February 19, 2023

Early Sunday

 I have seen everything now: a period panty by Spanx.  So it is shapewear with the period feature...

As I have said that is one reusable I haven't bought - the period panty, because, to me, once I get it on I am pretty much "stuck" wearing it all day at work.  I can take off a reusable pad. I can take out a menstrual cup and empty that. Apparently the menstrual discs are self emptying which is intriguing.... but a panty I am stuck wearing all day? No thanks. 

And you have seen a Walmart bathroom I am not getting undressed in there. I do have a stash of cloth pads and some menstrual cups. They each have their advantage and of course can be worn together. 

So I finally cooked up all the ground beef. I did various seasonings for them. I had to add some lard now and then to keep it from sticking but I got it all cooked and labeled. I cleaned up from that and went to bed. I slept pretty well considering how much caffeine I had.  

My weight is up this morning but to be 100% honest I had a couple of donuts at work on Friday and then I had two fritters at the grocery store on Saturday. I wish my boss would bring in something I didn't like for a treat.  I understand trying to motivate the troops I just wish it was something I "couldn't" eat like chocolate. When I bring candy I often bring chocolate because it is a horrible migraine trigger; the last time I ate chocolate I was sick for a week in bed vomiting into a bucket.  I will never know how Ron took care of himself, he could get around the house in a wheelchair but I don't see how he did it. But he did. 

I wonder how many caregiver agencies get a call to take care of both halves of a couple due to something like that. 

Anyway back to the carbs having the donut which is pretty much required, sets me off on a slide I don't like.  So I need to have one and stop and I have a very hard time doing that.  Which is why I support the AA approach of "we don't have any alcohol now". I don't want a man in recovery though I am done with alcoholics. My mother and my husband, too much. 

So onto happier subjects it is nice and sunny today.  The cats are cute.  Cleo had about half a cup of plain yogurt yesterday without getting sick so I will give her more today. I got some Omega-3 fatty acids I thought they would help my joints.  After I got hired it was my hip hurting all the time,I lost enough weight that is not an issue anymore, now it is my "good' knee interestingly enough. I can still work and function but I can't have it getting worse so I got the Omega 3's. I also eat Walnuts every day which are full of healthy fats. And I got some ginger root which is really good for inflammation. It is also good for digestion and I can use help with that sometimes. 

I got all my junk out of my vest and have that in the wash. That is my last load. I really like being able to wash the cloth pads. I will give you some links on that. 

Reusable stuff that works for me: 

These have a better lining than most of the cloth pads on the market and launder well

These are a nice little liner and would be good for minor bladder issues

If you want a starter cloth pad set this is a good one

If you want to make the jump to using a menstrual cup these are very affordable and work well

The top link is,in my opinion,the "best" cloth pad link of them all if you have a flow still. The liner link works as a liner and also minor bladder issues (cough, sneeze, that sort of thing). I have the cup and used it yesterday because I never know when my flow is coming these days.  

OK enough about my uterus.  I need to do a little cleaning in the kitchen and fry up some sausage for my meals next week. That is all, normally I have a lot of "work" to do my last day off so it is nice I did most of it yesterday. I am going to go make my tea and do my God Time, come back.  

That's it for now. 

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