Sunday, February 26, 2023

Sunday morning

 I worry I am going to drive off readers.  

First it was the cloth pads; then the menstrual cups. Now it is my toilet.  So I will just say my toilet was perfectly fine until Friday night but is now making odd noises when I flush.  It does the job..but makes odd farting noises after?  But it's doing the job.  

Worst case I get paid Wednesday as long as it holds until then. The drains work?  I am not a plumber. 

Ron took care of the house stuff. Now as a widow I either wring my hands and play helpless with tradesmen, hope I don't get hosed. Learn more about how to do it myself. Remarry some guy who is handy...or might make matters worse!  😂😂  Lots of variables there. 

So for now I am going to wait I would not call this a plumbing emergency like that LOVELY broken pipe in my yard last summer. And that I think I handled very well (God's leading). Did a load of clothes this morning that worked.  

I heard, and this is just gossip, that when AT&T was putting in new fiber internet lines their contractor broke some home sewer lines and the homeowners had to pay for emergency $5K fixes, then try to get the money out of AT&T.  I didn't have anything like that thank God.  So I try to count my blessings. 

I slept pretty well last night. Biscuit is very cuddly.  I am going to miss him so when he dies. 

I am doing laundry, doing rags/towels now and then a load of mixed clothes, cloth pads, etc.  I just wash it with the regular clothes because I am not "using" them they are just in case. And nothing yet.  So I just wash them in the sensitive formula detergent, air dry, have something every day. Because one day when I was a teen (it was not my first period) my period came unexpectedly and I was wearing a light pink sweatsuit, I looked like something out of a horror movie it was a BLOODBATH.  So they sent me home (adoptive mom was stay at home wife/mom). I don't want that again. 

Then I need to do a little meal prep but not much, just chop up my cabbage and do some dishes. 

I am going to work on my roast chicken.  Weight was down to 182 this morning. That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

Here you go maybe this will help

Anonymous said...

And some more

Heather Knits said...

Sounds like it could be a partial clog. I do have an auger if that's the case.

Side note toilet has made these noises off and on before but always cleared up in a day or two.