Thursday, February 2, 2023

Thursday but really my Friday morning

 Difficult boss worked last night.  I wasn't kidding about the day shift (off at 4) literally fleeing the building.  At least I know any flack I get is not personal. She is like that with everyone.  

I am secretly hoping she has today off, I can dream.  She had Sunday off (as did I) and I know she doesn't usually get weekends to I can hope.  Her boss came by my work area last night and grinned at me when I offered him some candy so he seems to like me just fine. And I was working when he walked up.  

I met a man on my way to the back last night, a customer, looking for a scale.  We hunted all over the store for a minute and I met another associate, from another country.   She said "Broken glass" pointed, and walked off.  That is not policy.  Policy is you stay with the hazard until it is cleaned up.  You don't play hot potato and run off.  I got a broom and dustpan,got it up.  Then went back to helping the man.  Eventually found the scales he was very happy. 

Then I clocked out and left. 

Talked to my parents for a little bit and went to bed. Up and at 'em now. I kept reminding myself today is my Friday. 

I did get the money I needed out of savings so I can cover everything. I was looking at Amazon Grocery and very impressed they have sweet potato fries.  They also have a better deal on Walnuts. So I will be making a small order. 

Wool socks worked great yesterday so I will wear another pair today. No cycle yet I am thinking this might just be a "pass" month which is happening more often.  And that's fine.  I would rather be in full menopause if I do remarry. Then we don't have to get fixed. 

If I did remarry a fertile man I would have to do something drastic like tie my tubes or go off the Depakote which has a serious record of birth defects. I wouldn't want to take even a slim chance. 

But tomorrow big plan is getting the blood test. I have not had one in a few years. I am very curious to see what the diet and weight loss has done for my numbers. 

I need to take my shower. 

That's done, made my lunch and all as well. I am tired but I'm going to go do it. 

Some of my jeans are getting loose so I need to do a fashion show and see what is fitting currently and what needs to go in the garage. Then go from there trying on clothes in my "smaller" box if needed and then possibly running to the thrift shop for more clothes.  

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

All men remain able to get a woman pregnant even if they are 100 years old. I think men should go into menopause (manapause LOL) just like women. You would be making a big mistake if you went off your medication. I have serious concerns about you if getting a man and having sex is more important to you than your own mental health. You must have an abnormally high libido since the medications you are on are known to reduce libido significantly. I do recall you still had sex with ron even though he wasn't showering or taking a bath at the time and then got a really bad UTI from that poor decision.

Heather Knits said...

Oops meant to delete that but will leave it.

I am not thinking about sex, some time before Ron died I asked God to "take it" (desire) for the duration and He did. After Ron died I asked God to continue with that unless I remarried and He has.

But if I remarry and i got pregnant the baby would have major issues. As in penis abnormalities, limb deformities, etc. Nothing I would put on a child so sometimes I worry about that. I will have to have 1000% guarantee I will not get pregnant before I remarry. If I do. So far I am fine.

Just for fun look up hypersexuality with bipolar. Ron and I had some GOOD times back in the day! LOL