Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Happy Ending

I looked all over and couldn't find Baby Girl.  I had called her and called her. 

Bubba, my big black cat, and Momma's boy, didn't have any answers either.  He's been sleeping with me the last couple night, which I love.  He may not be conventionally cuddly but I'd rather sleep with him - reach over in the middle of the night and pet him, go back to sleep, wake up when he braces a leg against my back for some grooming, etc. 

It was fairly late and I've noticed Bubba likes to sleep on the front porch.  On the doormat, actually.  So, I told Ron, "Go get Bubba".  Ron went out with a bag of treats and Baby Girl ran up to him. 

He came in, totally shocked.  He had completely given up. 

[Here is a good point to mention that, due to the brain damage Ron suffered, he feels emotions very intensely and has no "filter" to block expression..]  He was in shock. 

I looked.  Yup, it's Baby Girl.  I hugged her and gave her some treats.  Ron petted her, sobbing, as she sat in his lap.  Oh, my poor husband.  He's given his heart to her. 

Once he finished, he began scolding her as she went after something under the bed.   It was pretty cute to watch Ron lecturing her.  I should have made a video.  Sorry. 

He held up a toy we tied to a doorknob in the hall, tearing up again...."I thought she'd never play with this again!" 

He turned to her, fiercely:

"You're getting a microchip!"   


Jillian said...

Awwww..that's so sweet. I'm so relieved.
A microchip is a good idea!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad she's back. Praise God!

Anonymous said...

May she never leave you again. amen.