Wednesday, December 12, 2012

A very sad Christmas story with a happy ending

The year was 1997. 

I lived in California.  I used to love buying things online, I could hit "C" and California came right up.  This, however, was before I got online. 

I was working for a small business contractor.  He wasn't paying me on time.  I got tired of it and found another job working for a big company. 

I was well qualified to do the work.  I was hired a week or two before Halloween.  I remember on Halloween, the division manager (we had about 10 people total, the office manager and her boss, the division manager) was angry at me because she didn't like my "gypsy" costume.  I wore a few flowing silk shirts layered over a silk skirt and sandals.  I had tied a scarf around my hair.  Everyone had said looked "cute" and "pretty" but for some reason she hated it. 

Fast forward a few weeks.  I am doing my job.  I desperately want to move to Texas (forever praising you on that one, Lord).  I had a small radio I kept at the desk.  One day Ron loaned me his Jerry Jeff Walker CD.  The division boss hated it and made me turn it off.  OK.  I turned it to classic rock, instead, everyone liked it. 

No more problems, right?  Except one day she came and said I couldn't yell at the other employees.  I said, what are you talking about?  You yelled at someone for using "your" coffee cup.   No, I didn't.  I could care less what mug I use.  I don't know what you're referencing.  Oh, maybe it was someone else.  But don't do it again. 

Whatever, I thought. 

Now, Ron and I use public transit, and we're poor.  Both facts remain.  I liked to decorate a little 2 foot Christmas tree at home.  I thought it would be fun to bring one to work, so I did, the day after Thanksgiving. 

The boss came by "Are you upset you can't go shopping?"  No, I never went out anyway.  "Oh, you didn't?  What do you do for presents?"  Normally, I make them.  "Oh!"  She left in a huff. 

I set up the tree, string some lights, and hung some basic colored balls as ornaments.  They looked very pretty.  People started stopping by and complimenting it.  I noticed people from other parts of the building were coming by and talking, standing next to the tree. 

She came out, furious.  I had to get rid of the tree?  Why?  It's religious.  No it isn't, I don't have anything religious on the tree.  The owner of the building is Jewish!   He'll be mad!  I said, oh, that guy?  Pointed.  He just told me he liked it.  She stomped off again. 

She came back later.  I had to get rid of the tree, it was too early to put up a tree.  It's the day after Thanksgiving.  What's the problem? 

A few days later I was robbed at the ATM and my debit card stolen.  Thieves got $240.  I was very upset.  She told me I was "an idiot" and "stupid".  I hadn't even told her.  [The bank checked the camera and I got my money back a few weeks later]

She started writing me up for little things, like not rinsing out my coffee cup the minute I finished drinking it, etc.  I didn't realize where this was headed. 

Finally, the final straw.  They had a Christmas party.  The division manager, the office manager, all of them, downstairs in the lobby with music and fun.  No problem with that.  They even "let" me off the phones for a few minutes so I could grab a few cookies.  I did, and headed upstairs.  It was about 1PM. 

About 1:30 the director called.  Could he talk to Susan?  She's not in her office, they're having a little Christmas party.  I know she'd want me to get her for you.

No, that's OK.  I'll call back. 

He called back 45 minutes later - is she back yet?  No.  I was starting to get a little nervous.  Please let me put you on hold while I get her.  NO he said.   I'll talk to her later.  He hung up. 

You get the idea - when the party wound down over 2 hours later I told her Walter called.  She got very angry, but I told her he ORDERED me not to get you, and he's my boss too.  She went in her office and slammed the door.  When Walter called, I put him through. 

She started taking calls from someone who only used a first name (a temp agency) and, two weeks before Christmas, fired me and my Christmas tree. 

We stood so sadly at the bus stop waiting to go home and tell Ron.  When I told Ron, I cried all over him.  He was wonderful.  Don't worry, he said, there's a better job.  Take a couple weeks off before you go hunting. 

I did, and applied for so many jobs every week I ran out of room on the unemployment form.  I only got 2 checks before I got another job - then I got the last check for the previous week. 

I found a wonderful job at a non profit agency used to dealing with different people, and did well there for years before we moved. 

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