Sunday, December 16, 2012

A quiet day at home

As I assumed, Ron woke up.  Around midnight, after I went to bed, I was awakened by him shouting for me. 

I had planned to be pretty nice when he woke up.  Instead, I got pretty cranky and told him I was trying to sleep. 

He felt around, figured out he was in the kitchen.  He freaked out when he felt the sheet.  I'm not sure why.  He started yelling about missing church, I told him it was MIDNIGHT and CHECK YOUR WATCH before talking to me when you wake up.  He apologized. 

He called our friend Justin (at midnight) to cancel church and Justin prayed with him.  Thank you, Justin.  Ron was very touched. 

I woke up, later, to go to the bathroom.  Ron was lying across my doorway.  It was dark, I couldn't tell if he was awake. 

"I'll sleep on your doorstep, all night and day, just to keep you from walking away" I sang as I stepped over him (Song - Ain't too proud to beg).  He snickered. 

After I used the bathroom he wanted to know what had happened.  He lost a whole day.  I told him, you threw portion control out the window, laughed at me when I tried to warn you, and passed out in the kitchen.  He asked about the sheet.  I told him "I put a folded towel under your head and a sheet over you"  He thanked me.  I said I'd do it for Jesus. 

Between you and me, not that Jesus would pass out in my kitchen.  Ron got a laugh when I told him he was in front of the fridge, and I got hungry, so I just grabbed his legs and hauled him out of the way to gain access.  Why get angry and resentful?  Why hate? 

I am really trying to look at the alcoholism as an illness.  I told him I was scared for him, and sad he was hurting.  He didn't remember crying for the children, but he did.  Boy, did he. 

You could say that horrible terror attack (and it was a terror attack) hurt Ron, too.  Deeply. 

I had a nice hot bath and enjoyed my alone time as Ron snored on the floor.  That's all I can do, other than pray for him, which of course I did. 

He's fine and perky today.  Listening to talk radio comedy and having a good time.  It's raining, thank God it didn't rain during the handout, so it's just a quiet day at home. 

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