Friday, November 17, 2023

This always makes me sad

So they offered us a free meal last night.  It was well cooked, I have not gotten sick.  Was it divine?  No, but it was free so I ate it.  

I noticed a lot of people stashing food and it got me thinking I can spot someone who has also been starved; most of them are immigrants but some people born in the US, because they cannot pass up a plate of free food.  They will hoard expired donuts, etc. even though they taste awful, food they would never buy, just because it IS food.  

I went to a lot of church style buffets growing up and you can bet I would have been paddled if I got greedy so I learned to "watch it" pretty fast but it still pops up now and then, like when I found that ground beef on sale for $1.50 a pound.  I couldn't walk away.  

And that's one reason I don't have a deep freeze I would stuff it full of meat I would never touch, I would lose power in some natural event, and it would all go bad.  I don't want a generator I think that would make me a target.  

It makes me sad, a child should be able to count on regular meals growing up.  Some of us could not, at least me, for a while.  It makes me sad when I see that in others.  

So off I go to work.  Please pray it is a boring and efficient ride to work.  A quick night and then home to do it all again tomorrow.  

I did pay the water bill even though she said it wasn't due for a few weeks.  I need to investigate setting up an auto pay on that.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Know that you are not alone.

Heather Knits said...

Thank you. What I find so sad there are so many went through far worse.