Saturday, November 11, 2023

A lot about cat condos

 It's funny; I only got 4 hours of sleep and then maybe another 3 tops but I feel like I had a good night's sleep.  

I did a little shuffling.  

I had this 

in my bedroom.  The cats like to lay on the floor and scratch it, obviously.  I have had this for several years at least maybe 10.  I retired it - put it out at the street for the junk collectors and guaranteed one will be by...and put this: 

I had this in the front of the house between the couch and the bear, by the front door.  The cats never used it so it had become a catch-all for my mail.  So I went through the mail and filed what needed it, moved this.  It is very sturdy but not horribly heavy.  I have 3 of these, bought during more prosperous times with Ron.  But they were only about $40 from Chewy back then and I had 6 cats.  

I know Cleo likes these: 

She was a lot smaller back then!  The sides are rough and good for scratching and the cats do like to go after the other ones (one in orange room and one in Bible room).  

So we will see how Spotty likes it that was "his" spot.  He does get on the other 2 ones so I think he'll be OK with it.  I also cleared away some stuff on the floor so he has better access to the condo/scratcher.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

What's in all those white buckets?

Heather Knits said...

Wouldn't you like to know? LOL

Some of it is bath and body products (shampoo, soap) etc. for the bathroom. I have very little storage in the bathroom.