Thursday, November 9, 2023

Cussed out again!

 If you've ever wondered why retail employees seem "hard" this may be it.  

I very politely explained something to a customer who said OK and then broke the rule.  When I called her on it "I'm sorry ma'am but.." she went off on me cursing at me in English and then in Spanish, to her daughter.  Maybe she thinks I don't know what a puta is.  Likely she didn't care.  

I can't say much without revealing my job but I can say she won the battle but did not win the war.  

 Then I clocked out and did my personal shopping.  I had to get the groceries for the food drive.  They wanted a can of everything it's going to be fun lugging this all 2 miles on Sunday!  I plan to double bag it.  They also said to enclose a personal greeting so I got a card.  

As I was heading to the checkout the customer who had cursed me came out of nowhere and made a big point of cutting me off.  I just smiled at her and waved her on ahead, she snarled at me and went ahead.  

During the tirade (and this has happened before) I was dying to say "How long have you been single?  Because no man's putting up with you for long!"  I didn't though although I thought it and the Bible says that is just as bad.  

I finished all my presents.  Samaritan's purse sent me a catalog.  I picked out some "gifts" - donations I could make to various projects and then they send a card to my recipient.  They had some fun things like chickens, blankets, Bible distribution you know I was on that.  It did not cost a lot of money and now I have everyone done.  Everyone on my list has EVERYTHING they need.  They don't need more junk, this is fun, and I selected the email option so people get it today.  They can print it up if they want or delete it but they got it.  It did not break the budget, especially considering my property tax is taking a steep drop this year.  

I was sad to see, when voting, this is only a temporary thing.  But at least this year I don't need to worry.  

My foot is bothering me a little today but the headache pill is helping it.  I think I turned funny when I was walking and pulled a muscle on the top of my foot.  I'll be fine.  

Mood is better but this allergy headache is no joke; problem being if I take an allergy pill I will have a horrible dry mouth all night.  What is worse?  

I may take the allergy pill after all.  

That's it for now.  


Anonymous said...

A nice day at Galveston, breathing that wonderful salt air works wonders.

Heather Knits said...

I had some Tikka Masala sitting in front of my lit Christmas tree, talking to Mom about the cats. Not a bad way to unwind. I don't get that frozen tv dinner very often but it never disappoints. (Deep Indian Kitchen brand).

Galveston has a very busy Christmas season but I might see if my aunt and uncle would like to go after New Year.