Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Crazy Train

 Now Ozzy Ozzbourne is not what anyone would call a Biblical man.  He plays with dark themes in his music, from what I have seen.  I have heard rumors of animal abuse.  

But he wrote a spectacular song called "Crazy Train", which is my fourth bus ride of the day, every day.  

What does that mean for me?  Well my morning didn't start out great.  It was raining and windy at the bus stop, and a passing big rig nearly blew my Santa hat off, he was speeding so fast.  My buses did line up so I got to work early.  

I did find it a tad concerning one of my drivers asked if I liked cats, in a way that indicated I might be getting a live gift in the future.  I don't always catch her every day, though.  And Ron would say I can always say NO.  

Work wasn't too bad, the tough boss was off and traffic was slow due to the rain.  It rained pretty much all day so it never really picked up.  

I did discover the Santa hat says "Happy to help" and customers were asking me questions, bypassing other, closer, associates to come to me for questions.  

The grocery manager was very happy to find me "doing the zone" at the appointed time and gave me a fist bump when he saw me.  I am glad I can help.  

I was thinking yesterday it is a mixed blessing, having Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  For instance, I am very eager to please, which as you can imagine is complex.  On the one hand supervisors and customers like it, but on the other it has gotten me in trouble in my relationships.  

One of my coworkers was very angry when I left on time, I guess that means she was happy to have me around?  I don't know.  

So I left on time, a lot of people at the bus stop.  A new employee from one of the fast food places was about to sit at the bus stop until I told her what goes on there.  When a homeless man did some and sit down, she was glaring daggers at him.  And the bus was the crazy train as I said.  

One man sitting across from me was wearing those disposable scrubs they give patients who come into the ER without clothes, or the clothes are so damaged/filthy they have to be cut off and thrown away.  He was covered in bruises like he had been restrained.  He was also wearing a hospital ID bracelet.  And he was doped out of his gourd, he kept nodding off.  

I had the thought he was probably a psych patient but then thought he has just been medicated, he is probably the safest he will ever be in his life.  And he did not cause problems but he did have a nasty wet cough.  Unfortunately he was sitting across from me.  

When I got off the bus (the other guy had left a while back) I laughed and told the driver he doesn't drive the bus, he drives the crazy train.  He laughed and said "You noticed, huh?" and we shared a grin.  I like him, not like "that" but he is fun to ride with and I hope he keeps his route when they do the bid in a month.  

What happens the drivers say if they would like to keep their current route, ask for another route if they want, and put a couple of optional routes in case someone with more seniority wants their route.  It seems to me most of the drivers want the very early routes because, and they all say this "Everyone's going to work and they don't cause any trouble" especially on my route that goes to/from work.  My local route that runs by the house is not bad in my opinion my drivers tend to bid for other routes after a tour on it.  

If the driver does not put some options down my understanding they go on "the extra board" which is a pool of backup drivers if a driver calls in sick, then you take over their route for the day.  If someone goes on a medical leave you might have their route until they come back but you don't have a permanent route.  And some drivers do like the extra board.  

This guy says the current route is no big deal compared to the 82 route he used to do and that is a rough one.  The #2 is also a bad one.  Standing room only constantly.  

I got home and called Mom and Dad.  They are doing pretty well.  She is being militant about his diet which makes sense as he does have the heart failure.  I have seen low salt chips when I fix up the grocery section but she won't buy them.  But they are staying busy which is good.  They are hosting a small group today which should be fun for them.  

She wanted to make a dump cake, I suggested using apple pie filling and spice cake. I, personally, am not crazy about apple pie filling but most are and it's a good fall themed thing.  

I woke up a couple times but not too bad, the last around 1 and my alarm went off at 1:45.  My alarm is acting up and so is the old cell phone I used for music and alarms so I need to figure that out.  

That's it for now; I'll probably do another post before I leave.  

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