Sunday, November 12, 2023

I felt bad for poor Spotty

 I didn't sleep well last night so I was up a lot.  

At one point Spotty came in the cat door meowing at me.  I was petting him in bed, talking to him, his little purr motor was fired up and he was slobbering all over my hand.  It was great.  But then my allergies kicked in (he was right by my face) and I started sneezing, spooked him, he ran off.  I felt bad but I can't control that.  

Unfortunately when I do take the allergy pills the dry mouth is extremely bad.  

I finally did go to sleep around 4 but had to get up at 6.  It was hard to leave my nice warm bed.  But the Bible is really clear about spending time with other believers so I'm going to church.  I also need to take the food for the food drive.  

First I need to take my shower, though.  

That's all done.  I feel kind of bad, it looks like Biscuit is taking over the cat condo in my bedroom.  That used to be Spotty's, well, spot.  

Sometimes I feel very strange without a wedding band on my hand.  But my actual band was stolen some years ago by the movers who took my stuff out when I had the pipe break, along with my other jewelry.  I didn't have much value in it but it was important to me.  I didn't file a claim because I didn't have pictures or a clear idea what was in there.  I was keeping it for sentiment not for daily use.  

I am wearing some cute leggings under my church dress.  1  For warmth and 2.  For modesty.  They have kneelers at the church, I am riding the bus, etc. so it seems like a good idea to have the leggings.  

I will ask my friend in ladies apparel to be on the lookout for a cute, long, flowy dress with short sleeves come spring season (should start coming in a few weeks) so I have something cute for spring/summer.  I don't mind wearing the same thing, with variations, every week.  It is just really hard to find something cute and modest, and my weight is up and down so I don't want a big investment.  If we get one, she'll tell me.  

I have not had good experiences buying clothes on Amazon.  The purple vest, the scrub bottoms, the puffer coat that was supposed to be waterproof, all of them ended up getting donated.  For me it is too much hassle and expense to send something back.  

Compression socks have been OK though.  

That's it for now.  

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