Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Wednesday morning

 I had so little trash I decided not to bother taking it out. 

I really want a bag of potato chips.  

So yesterday was pretty much OK. I still feel really run down from the allergies.   And part of that is my fault. I have some "immune boosting herbs" , tinctures, etc I made. Last week when everyone was walking around all snotty, coughing, raspy voices I upped my intake. Which of course boosted my immune system which made for HELLACIOUS allergies.  But I would probably do the same thing again. 

I am sleeping better though which I really appreciate. And, (TMI warning) the cloth pads I got some time back are great. I have been coughing a lot which has led to small, embarrassing, bladder leaks but the pad catches them.   And it's a lot nicer than a disposable.  And I can wash it. I am winding up my cycle happy about that. 

Cycles have been great since I had the cyst out 20 some years ago. If I had known I would have done it a lot sooner.  I may look into getting more pads if they still make them.   Edit, they do, I will put up a link.  I think it is important to state I wear the right underwear (fitted) for my size so the pad doesn't move around. 

So I slept OK. First thing when I got up I shot up my nasal steroid spray.  Took my antidepressant and vitamin, did up my pills for the day. I need to take my shower. 

Not very motivated today...but ready to go.  Ate my breakfast, lunch packed.  

I am thinking how to do my bed so the cats can enjoy it and I don't have allergies.  I know the dander is making me worse.  

So far my plan is to take everything off and wash it, then cover with a sheet on top. That way hopefully the sheet will catch the dander. I am just spitballing here. 

I will figure something out. 


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your blog for a long time and I don't remember you ever mentioning allergies like you are having now. I wonder if your vaccine and boosters are creating more of an immune response in your system.

Heather Knits said...

Well the allergies were about this bad in the mold infested apartment in CA.

Probably about 10 years ago here before I had the carpet out and new drywall.

But this one has been pretty bad. I am just glad I am able to work.

I really felt I didn't have a choice on the vax if I was going to spend in person time with my older family members. I didn't do it for me, at all, really. I die, so what, I go see Ron again. But I didn't want to get a loved one sick or kill them.