Thursday, January 5, 2023

Friday morning

 Work was OK yesterday but I was told a COVID positive employee came in during shift change to gossip about her illness with an entire shift   Management threw her out but damage may be done. Who does that?  You could kill someone. 

I also continue to have "steady" sick customers passing through coughing, sneezing all over me (no one covers their mouth), rubbing snotty nose on their hand and then touching stuff...I brought my sanitizer and also am wearing a mask, taking my herbs, that is about all I can do right now. I did get the latest booster back in September. 

If you have to go shopping this week take your C and Zinc, wear gloves, and a mask. 

I need to figure out my budget I plan to talk to my aunt about it. Nothing bad just how do I want to move it around yet... I have not gotten my utility bills either. 

So far this month has not been bad but I do like my space heater in the bathroom.  Someone told me that will only be about $10 a month but I will see. 

I will try to post some on my lunch. That's it for now! 


Anonymous said...

The shots and boosters are suspect why so many young people are "dying suddenly".
Please don't take anymore.
There's a video viewed by 15M people already about blood clots.
I'll send you the link if you want it.

Heather Knits said...

Shoot me the link and I'll post the comment.

I am 40+ so not exactly "young" LOL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I hesitate to share the link with vaccinated people because it may be cruel but I feel led to get out what the govt is trying to keep quiet. It's time for everyone to get right with God and I know you have lots of followers.

Anonymous said...

All vaccinated

Heather Knits said...

I will go ahead and put them up.

I do know a lot of women lost their babies after getting jabbed. That is awful.

In my case my parents are firm believers in the vax, they are elderly and not in good health. So I felt I had to get it to protect them. Dad also feels better about me working retail and riding the bus with it. So I took 3 of them.