Saturday, January 14, 2023

Early Saturday

 So I got through work. 

I decided to get another pair of the No Boundaries High Rise Mom Jean for $11 (less with my discount), cat food, soap.  

I about had a heart attack when I looked at the soap. VERY expensive. If this keeps up I may have to go back to making my own. I settled on 2 bars of Dove Unscented (figured better for my allergies).  From what I recall it is a good soap.  I'll find out when I take my shower.  

I bought some lemon flavor greek yogurt at work yesterday.  I adore lemon yogurt.  I love greek yogurt.  Seemed like a good pairing, it is not.  It is a grim experience as it is rather bland and not very creamy.  I am glad I only got a few cartons.  

Schedule in a couple weeks is NUTS.  I heard some people complaining they were working 6 days in a row; I will.  I start different times, work weekends (OK with that if I get 2 days off during the week together), etc.  Jack is going to make some money but I will have to write it out for him as even I can't remember all the hours.  They are so different.  

Someone must be on vacation and they want me to cover, but it is more hours.  I have always thought I don't bitch when they change my hours because I am exposed to new drivers to evangelize in the process and this is how God brings them to me.  So I don't complain but I will REMARK.  It is different! 

A while back I bought  pot roast, it was very large and I cut it in half, ate half, put the rest in a freezer bag with chicken broth (it was pork), some poblano peppers, garlic, onions, cumin, oregano,etc. and froze it.  I took it out of the freezer this morning and put it in a bowl in the fridge.  I will cook it tomorrow ideally and then I can portion it out for my lunches this coming week (just a regular M-F week).  

I talked to 3 different family members last night and they all said my allergies sounded a lot better.  I feel better, not great but improved and feel like I can go run my errands today. I went to bed early, slept late (I fed the cats last night) and woke up feeling refreshed which is unusual for me.  So that's good.  

It is cold right now so not in a big hurry to rush out of the house. I do need to try out my new soap. I will do another post before I leave the house. 

That's it for now. 

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