Saturday, January 7, 2023

Saturday afternoon

 My allergies have been really bad this year.  They never used to be too bad until I lived in the mold apartment. 

We lived on the second floor.  The third floor apartment above me had a bad tub drain, whenever she took a shower the water would drain into our bathroom ceiling. So it was always sopping wet, dripping water,covered in mold.  We lived there several years. 

This was the Silicon Valley at the height of the dot-com boom. We could not get another place,we made too much for the poverty level places but not enough to get any kind of decent housing. So we just lived with it. 

My allergies got pretty bad during this time; so did Ron's. I'm sure there's a correlation. Yes we notified the landlord many times.  He said it was "too expensive" to fix. 

It is "cedar fever" season in Houston. We are supposed to get rain tonight, that will help a lot. I also have a family history of allergies on Dad's side at least (not sure of bio mom).  

So I feel run down, keep sneezing, sinuses hurt. I did some research and took my generic Zyrtec vs the Claratin I took last night.  

For me the big sign is what Ron called "the hack" a dry cough I get with allergies. That is back. But I should be good in a day or two. 

I am glad I installed the new air filter. 

I have been OK today just a little sad. I keep Ron with me by talking about him.  But people are sick of that. I don't blame them. 

I really do need to get a new keyboard this old one is bugging me. 


Anonymous said...

If people didn't want to hear about your life they wouldn't read your blog. You are perceptive that hearing about the past gets pretty old. It reminds me of my dad, he was so miserable and made no attempt to enjoy life after my mom passed, 18 years he lived without her and drank himself to death.
He would always say how he could feel his depression coming on. I, on the other hand thought he was selfish and self absorbed.

Heather Knits said...

I think it goes to belief as well. If I believed Ron just ended I would have a much harder time.

I like to think I only have a problem at certain days and times..

Anonymous said...

I hope so. If you're going through it daily maybe find a counselor.
Another thing my dad refused to do.

Heather Knits said...

Not daily. It really helped getting away from the post office and the driver working there, stalking/bothering us ongoing. It's like a rapist you have to work with who kept asking if you were "OK". I was until I saw you! LOL

I think some anniversaries are just going to be hard but less and less as I go on from his death.