Saturday, January 21, 2023

Two dear babies

 I have been cursed with plumbing problems to the point I had to rig up an improvised dry toilet with Feline Pine cat litter pellets, a trash bag, and 5 gallon bucket. So I had the better part of a bag left. 

Feline Pine worked well for Frosty about 15 years ago so I decided to try it in one of the litter boxes. We will see what the cats think of it. And no I do not use the improvised toilet unless I am having a major plumbing emergency. Happily I have not had one of those since I instituted the use of the poop knife a year ago. You can look that up. 

I took a nap and woke up with another headache so I am waiting on the Excedrin to kick in and then I will clean the fridge.  I don't want to watch TV as my preferred channel is only showing SVU reruns today and I don't like the brutality and the sobbing victims. My life is hard enough without watching someone else's pain. They had it on at work the other day and I was not happy. 

On to happier days let me pull up a photo of Frosty.  

Bubba, my all black male, brought Frosty home one day.  Bubba would come up to me and meow coaxingly at Frosty to come up and get some food, already.   Bubba was always very hospitable and loved other cats. Since Bubba was OK with Frosty I did the socialization process with Frosty which took a while as he was terrified of people.  But once he got in my lap he was a lap baby as you can see, loved some treats, just hanging out and getting pets. He was also fiercely territorial and would run off any other cats that came around.  He was about 9 when he came to live with me and must have had a very sad life.  I think his owner died. But once he moved in life was great except for getting neutered.  He died of the same condition Biscuit has; he got sick and I thought I could wait until morning to take him to the vet. I was wrong. I regret that. But, as the vet said, he was at least 13 by then anyway. 

Here is Bubba: 

He was beautiful inside and out. He died of heart failure back in 2013; I lost Frosty in 2009.  I don't believe in "luck" I always had good times with Bubba.  The only time I cared about the "luck"nonsense when my house got robbed I hoped he had seen Bubba and been superstitious. 

I don't miss that carpet. LOL  

That's it for now. 

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