Friday, January 6, 2023

I decided to go shopping after work.

 I wanted one of our pairs of $10 black jeans.  I also saw some clearance t shirts and wanted to check them out,they were pima cotton and only $3.50.  

I had gone to work planning to buy a pretty cream colored t shirt but found they were mostly polyester.  The shirts I got instead were 100% cotton. 

So after I clocked out I looked around a bit, picked out some shirts, the jeans,went to the fitting room. I was pretty sure I was a No Boundaries size 19 jean, I was, so I got them. The t shirts fit well so I got them. Just for fun I picked out a red dress which I DID NOT buy. 

The below was me in the bathroom, with, and without, the vest. 

About the accident, it was a trauma to me too.  When Ron woke up and knew me again he said "You have suffered more than I have". He was right.  

I have come to realize part of it everyone, especially Ron's family, was saying to me: You have to be strong.  If you cry or mourn you are weak and unfit to take care of him.  You have to be strong. And they saw emotion as weakness so I had to plow through without feeling or showing any.  

Even after they left I still felt like I had to be strong and that meant not grieving for my losses, like losing my husband to the bottle, living with him in a wheelchair, TBI and alcoholic issues, then dementia issues. That's a hell of a lot. 

I can only do that here. If you are up for the ride come along. If not no one forces you to click the bookmark. or type in the address. 


Anonymous said...

Life is short, you should have bought the red dress ☺️

Heather Knits said...

Where would I wear it? Work? The grocery store?

Heather Knits said...

Facebook comments ongoing saying I should buy it but no place to wear it.

To me,the dress says we're going to have sex later and that is not happening until I remarry. And that will likely not happen because I'm not dating the next couple years...