Saturday, January 28, 2023

$5 Jeans!

 I fell in love with work's "No Boundaries Mom Jean" and bought a couple pairs in a 19. which is my No Boundaries pant size (I am a No boundaries size 21 top but interestingly enough a size 16/18 or XL (top or bottom) in other brands). 

Today I found them on CLEARANCE. Bummer.  I really liked them.  They were only $5 though so I got one in a 19 (a color I did not own), and two in a 17 (I do plan to lose more weight).   I had also been eyeing another No Boundaries jean on the clearance rack.  It is hard to describe but I will put up a photo.  I will call it the patterned flare jean. It had started at $17 and tonight had worked it's way down to $9 so I got that. When I got home they all fit great (I didn't try the 17 but put that straight into my smaller sized box).  So they are in the wash. 

Work was busy but I feel good about it.  That was day 6 in a row.  I had a 2 hour bus ride to work. The second driver was very late so I was glad I leave the house early.  I ate my lunch and then worked 5 hours. Clocked out and did some shopping (exciting things like more cat food), then Jack picked me up.  We ran by the Post Office and I mailed my property tax. Then came home, put it all away, and called Mom and Dad. 

Oh and work is no longer selling the turkey shreds cat food so I don't know what I will do for Biscuit.  I only give him a can every month or so. 

That's it for now. 


Anonymous said...

Walmart sells real turkey in a can it's in the meat isle it's really good I use it for turkey salad but I'm sure a cat would enjoy it and it's really not expensive especially since you only give it occasionally

Heather Knits said...

That's a great idea I will look for that Monday.