Saturday, January 28, 2023

Saturday morning (day 6 of working in a row)

 I slept OK last night. First thing when I got up I wrote out the checks for my property tax. $2300 not counting the HOA fee. I had forgotten the vile taste of the glue they use on the return envelopes. Sales tax also had that vile tasting glue on their envelopes. I will run by the Post Office tonight on my way home and get those mailed. 

I will be taking the bus to work today and then working a 5 hour shift, do some shopping and come home. I have tomorrow off and very high chances of rain so I will likely take a Uber to my local grocery store.  I am pretty much caught up on laundry so that's a good thing. I need to bag up my pork roast,though. 

I only need to do 4 meals for work next week but they will be very long days so I need to make sure they are hearty.  Which probably means another block of cheese in my shopping cart. Cheese and fruit is a good snack on a break. 

I checked my schedule and they gave me 2 days off before I go see Doc so that is 3 days in a row off. 

The cats are good. I am going to take my shower now. 

One last thought.  You may wonder sometimes at my relationship with food.  It is complicated.  The following story was confirmed by my Dad who has told me this several times.  It matches with early memories as well. 

My mother I believe had a bad bout of post partum depression after birthing me and just lay in bed, drinking, for months.   Which meant I did not get fed when my Dad was at work and my sister at school.  So for long stretches of time every day I went unchanged and unfed.  I used to listen, I remember this, for the sound of the door opening and I would start crying whenever someone came home. So I could have my needs met. 

I have a lot of issues/fear about being hungry. So I always pack lavish lunches so I won't be, bring abundant snacks, etc.   I don't think I will ever shake that fear but I am working on it. One reason grocery shopping is a big deal to me and meal planning and execution is so important. 

Just a thought.  

Weight is steady at about 181 but I am not gaining from the sweet potatoes, milk, and keto bread I added to my diet this week so that's good. I already ate my vegetables for the day so I don't have to worry about that.  I made a sandwich to eat before work with some milk and then I have some blackberries and cheese for my break.  

I also have some cheese and nuts for my going to work snack. Average calories if I am not mistaken are about 1,800 a day which is OK with my activity level.  It is raining but not hard more of a moderate drizzle, definitely OK to ride the bus. 

Picture.  Not the most flattering look but it is cold rain today.  Jack calls this the "lumberjack"shirt.  

Bonus Cleo shot 

That's it for now. 

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