Saturday, January 21, 2023

Early Saturday

 Work was fine but I was happy to get out of there.  A long ride home of course. 

One of my drivers reminded me it was the last time I'd see her, they are changing the routes (drivers have to bid on routes every 6 months), she did not like her new route but at least it wasn't the on-call "extra board" job one of my other drivers got.   That driver was really not looking forward to it.  

So next week all new drivers. That will be interesting. I got home fine.  

I went to bed pretty early after talking to my parents and then woke up around 4 with a headache. It was raining so I took some Excedrin and went back to bed for a little bit. I had fed the cats last night so they were happy to let me get a little extra rest. I am finishing the laundry I started last night.  I got 5 new t shirts, at $2.50 I felt that was a deal I couldn't pass up.  I got a black, two navy, two heather gray. They are modest and fit well, a little loose but that is OK. I feel fine wearing it in front of male family members,for instance. 

So those are in the dryer and my cleaning rags and towels are in the washer.  I have them in there on soak with some borax and washing soda in addition to the detergent.  Once I finish that I am pretty done with laundry.  But while I'm thinking about it I'm going to strip the bed and get that washed too.  

Nope changed lanes and working on the litter boxes. One of them was bad enough I dumped out all the litter and soaking it right now, after I scrubbed it. The other ones were OK with some intense scoops.  I haven't been up to standard because I worried the litter dust would make my allergies go nuts, it did not.  I also got some Fresh Step out of the garage to put in the one box I dumped out.  We will see how it compares to Tidy Cats which I feel has some pretty poor performance.  If the Fresh step doesn't have good clumps every day I will go to the Chewy litter.  

I baked 2 sweet potatoes this morning, one for breakfast (it is very good) and one for my lunch this week, I split it in 2 portions.  I may bake another one and then have 2 more "treats" to take in my lunch.  I am OK with a moderate amount of what I consider "real" (unprocessed) carbs. It is the Frankenfood and the "engineered" stuff that gets me in trouble, and I was saying that on LCF and one reason I think they banned me. They wanted to direct everyone to their store and I was sending them away. 

But I stand by what really got me banned, consoling a mother whose son had the same type of mental illness as I do,telling her I had all the same problems but I had a GOOD life and he could BEAT this if he was smart and took everything as directed.  I would do it again. 

But ultimately a message board belongs to the owner and they can boot anyone they don't like. 

That's it for now. ALMOST caught up on laundry. 


Anonymous said...

What is it with Christians and the weird comments like i feel comfortable wearing tjus around my male family members? If a family member of yours is looking at you in a sexual way they have mental problems.

Heather Knits said...

Remember I lived for 2/3 of my life with a man who had major sex addiction issues. I tend to project that on "men" in general, that if I wear something "too much" it may lead them down a sinful path.

This is not necessarily my faith so much as it is scar tissue. It was unending with Ron he couldn't help himself.

Also I have a different standard for what I wear around men in my family things are more modest as a rule. Not that I think they are looking at me but I don't want to be the person.

Anonymous said...

Ron was blind so clearly inappropriate sexual behavior is a mental defect that has nothing to do with what a woman is or isn't wearing. Ask woman in Saudi Arabia who are covered from head to toe what caused a man to rape her. It certainIy wasnt her revealing clothing. Ironic that most religion was created by men and those men clearly had issues and were unable to take responsibility for their behavior.

Heather Knits said...

But that's what you're not getting; I am not doing it because of religion. I just, personally, think some shows are just for the husband. That's all.

There are things about Ron I can't tell that led to his sex issues. He never started with a clean slate. That's all I will say.

I didn't know any of this for years after we married but when he told me it made sense. And I think anyone can figure out what I'm saying without me directly saying it.

Anonymous said...

Your relatives are not looking for shows either. Whatever happened to ron did not cause his sex addiction issues. He was a narcissist.

Heather Knits said...

Ron used to tell me most "bad guys" were damaged psychologically. I didn't want to hear it but many of them are, now, I believe.

In Ron's case he was a victim long before he started acting out; he was acting out as a child but back then they didn't see overly sexual behavior in little boys as a sign they needed to ask some questions.

Heather Knits said...

Can't publish the comment but in that case 2 people made bad decisions. We are allowed free will; that means free will to harm others if we choose.

God can use it for good in the long run but I don't think he ever turned it back over to God. He really could have used some counseling then and then ongoing but of course that never happened.