Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sorry I lied

 I went out without making a post. 

How I looked after I got dressed: 


How I looked leaving the house:  

I am still trying to figure out "the right" place in the house to set up the mirror for photos. 

I went to the first grocery store.  The cough and cold DM worked really well so I got another bottle. I also checked out the discount meats and found some nice pork chops for $6. I am going to cook those tonight. Then I got some citrus and a nice assortment of salad greens. 

Off to the second grocery store, which had blackberries 2 for $1.  I bought 6. I don't want to get sick of them but oh I love blackberries. That will last me a week (thinking I should have got 7!). 

I also got exciting things like a block of cheese, some sausage, drink mix. I did get some eggs they were $4 but humanely raised and also had some Omega 3 in them. I prefer humanely raised meats if at all possible. I also got some candy to hand out which was the bulk of my total. 

I had good rides and the weather was mild but my allergies were talking.  I made it though.  


Anonymous said...

I can really see your weight loss in the first picture :)

Heather Knits said...

Thank you! Low carb really melts the belly fat and I have very little saggy skin. I walked past the mirror naked today and was pretty impressed. I think being active and eating low carb did it all. Plus my body WANTS to be 170 I think.

The only real saggy skin are my batwing (LOL) arms (I don't care I am not vain about my arms) and a little loose skin on my lower belly. I am fine with that.

This time around I did not do it for vanity but very happy I am getting good results and look OK naked. If I remarry I will not be dreading him seeing me on my wedding night.