Sunday, January 15, 2023

Early Sunday morning

 Every now and then I stop and think about what matters.  For instance when a co worker takes vacation time to spend with family; I always greatly respect that. That is important. I wish I had taken more time with Ron before the accident and even after (although traveling with a wheelchair!  😖).   I wish I had done more; that's about my only regret.  

I won't get to spend any time with Ron until I die myself. All I have are my memories to carry me.  So go make more with your loved ones, when they're gone you will not regret it.  

I heard an ad some woman was bitching about her husband snoring.  I would LOVE to have the house filled with his snoring again. 

So when I wake up with a headache, take my pills and go back to bed and the cats join me I am damned well going to stay there until my bladder pops. I had a great time with Cleo and Biscuit. Biscuit in particular is very devoted to me.  I don't know if it is the fact I saved him from the woman abusing him and threatening to kill him or more the fact I take care of him with his condition. But he's very loyal and I am really going to miss him when he dies.  So I try to value and respect the time with him.  

So yeah, I spent an hour in bed with the cats this morning and I don't regret it.  I kept thinking about things I needed to do but that didn't matter; he did.  I was pretty good at this with Frosty and Bubba and I don't have regrets about them. 

I need to finish the dishes and then start cooking today.  I mainly need to brown some sausage for my meatlover lentils.  I am soaking the lentils right now as they are old.  I need to get the crock pot going if the pork roast is thawed.  

That's about it; I may also hard boil some eggs as I dropped the $$ yesterday and bought a dozen. 

If you have loved ones give them a call, even if you just leave a message that matters. Or a nice text with an I love you in it. 

I was so upset I had deleted all Ron's texts a few months before he died.  By that point he wasn't really able to text so I had nothing. So I would add don't delete the texts.  

That's it for now, more later.  


Anonymous said...

Would you like the house filled with his verbal abuse again? His excessive drinking and falling down drunk behavior again? I still remember your stories about trying to take him to work when he was drunk and him falling out of the wheel chair.

Please stop romanticizing your relationship with him. Until he became bed bound and incontinent he treated you terribly. I still recall you going out to eat and most times him verbally abusing you.

Heather Knits said...

I have decided if I start dating again I will tell him there are 2 stories about my marriage. One that I was abused and taken advantage of. One with a more classic love story overcoming all odds. And that both are true.

Heather Knits said...

You don't have to like it but it is my blog, my life, my viewpoint.

Notice I did not publish abusive comment....I have had to get a lot tougher over the years.

Anonymous said...

A love story overcoming odds. Wow you really know how to spin it. You should get a job in marketing.

Heather Knits said...

There's more than one way to look at something. I always knew Ron loved me it was HOW he did so at times.

Anonymous said...

You lived it. Your perception is the only one that matters. I have to laugh at how irritated some of your readers get with you. If I didn't want to read the blog I would not. There is plenty of content out there if they don't like this blog.

Heather Knits said...

Obviously someone finds me interesting. LOL