Tuesday, November 1, 2022

The day after

I didn't sleep well last night, lets blame the caffeine.   I got up at 3 am and stayed up to 10 PM as well.  

Let's hear it for my medication.  I was thinking just now I think so many of my problems, were not, as I felt, bipolar related as much as they were caregiver and wife of an alcoholic related.  Because I am much better now than I was when he was alive.  

Yes, I get depressed.  I very seldom get manic though, and only a little talkative and maybe go over my budget buying some random item (one) I have taken a fancy to, but overall much better symptom control.  And I know a lot of the old timers are saying of course, this is why they worried about me, because loving Ron was tearing me up.  

It did, I see that.  Which means I will be very careful and selective if I ever let another man into my life, one who is stable, one who is non addicted (no sports bets, no drinking, etc), one who is most importantly a man of strong faith who can help lead me spiritually.  That man may exist, or God may rapture me so quickly it doesn't matter.  And we don't marry in Heaven; we know our loved ones but I believe we love each other more than we could in a Earth marriage.  

I will go off for a while and think on this.  I am better off without him.  That was a long time coming.  

I do OK living on my own, too.  I get around alright.  I make enough money.  I own a house.  

It is raining today but not bad.  That's good, non severe weather means I can run the washer and I have a lot to run.  I think I am going to get started on that.   

I had a phone appointment with Doc.  I waited an hour and fifteen minutes before calling; clinical emergency this morning they will do me tomorrow.  That changes my plans but we will see.  I am just doing some laundry today.  It is raining off and on and I don't want to mess with that at the bus stop if I can avoid it.  

I am tired and looking forward to sleeping again.  

It has been almost 2 months since my last cycle so I have decided to wear the pad every day just in case, at least until I hit a year or two out, and just assume every day is going to be "dry".  We will see how that goes.  

Cats are good but they want to go out.  


Anonymous said...

No comments about the candy handout. Sounds like you didn't get as many kids and overbought candy

Heather Knits said...

Well in my world there is no such thing as too much candy. It will go to bus drivers now. LOL

On average I have gotten about 100 kids so I went with that. But COVID and it being a school night affected things a lot. I also suspect a lot of houses in my area do not hand out candy so it's not as desirable to "shop".

Anonymous said...

What a waste of money. I tried to warn you. I am assuming you had ALOT of candy left over otherwise you would have have told us the number. Hopefully you take this into account for next year. You have to remember many of the "children" in your neighborhood have grown up and are not trick or treating anymore. Sad you didn't heed my warning about wasting over $100 on full size candy bars and instead just did the more reasonable and normal option of 2 bags of the 100 fun size pieces each. That would have given you 200 pieces of candy and that would have meant you could give 4 pieces to each person in the baggies. And it would have been about $40.00

Heather Knits said...

It was about 50 if you have to know, but you're not getting the fact I hand out several bags of candy every day, to the point the bus drivers call me The Candy Lady. I am always handing out candy with Scripture booklets.

It is just what kind of candy. For now it will be Snickers with some Pinata mix thrown in.

Anonymous said...

You are ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Heather how can you take being "yelled" at by a stranger? Do they pay your bills, your taxes, etc?
I confess to being hard on you when Ron was abusing you but you do YOU. ((HUGS))

Heather Knits said...

I think it's funny. It takes a lot to push my button these days.

and yes (dramatic voice) I AM RIDICULOUS! [flounces hair, sighs dramatically) The evangelism is literally one of the only things I'm taking out of this life and it is probably one of the most important things I do.

Anonymous said...

Thankfully we're not ALL THE SAME, what a boring world it would be.

Heidi said...

And the anonymous vulture sits in judgement ! Sounds great Heather I am catching up after a while being in a funk myself. Love catching up and so happy life is better for your mental health. You are an amazing woman who was in a living hell and only looked for good much love your way

Heather Knits said...

And here's an important thought I haven't shared... when I get a comment on the Scripture booklet it is ALWAYS how much they enjoyed it and how it made them feel so much better knowing God loves them. That can only be good.

I am very curious to see how long the candy lasts as I can hand out a lot.