Friday, November 25, 2022

Thanksgiving and part of Friday

 Sweet potato came out great in toaster oven.  I weighed it, about 9 ounces.  I washed it with a scrubber and dried it off with a kitchen towel.  

I rubbed it with a little coconut oil.  I can tell I am keeping the house colder as my coconut oil was solid.  I rubbed the leftover oil into my hands.  Then I stabbed the potato a few times, telling it  "It's for your own good".  I preheated the toaster to 400 degrees and then stuck the potato in for about 45 minutes.  I let it sit for about 10 minutes, threw the potato in a bowl, added some butter, and ate it.  It was good.  

Now I have to say pureed pumpkin is easier, I open a can and add a little spice/sweetener and eat it.  I have some pumpkin for later.  

Now I need to do some laundry.   

Next day: so in summary started off pretty bad on Thanksgiving, took a nap, woke up with bad headache, took Excedrin.  Talked to my brother for an hour this is the "good" one, a little eccentric but a good man.  Says I always have a place with him if I want.  I thought that was sweet.  

Felt better after that, ate my dinner.  Smoked turkey leg was a big disappointment.  Ham was good though.  I am up 2 pounds today.  Talked to my Dad and then my aunt.  Went to bed early, slept OK.  

I have a hard time getting up in the morning because the bed is nice and warm with lots of covers, the cats are on me purring, etc.  But I made it.  

Supposed to rain today after I get to work thank God.  I already packed my lunch, leftovers from yesterday and a green salad, some nuts, chicken salad.  The turkey leg is so bad I think I will throw it out.  And I never throw out meat.  

Off to take my shower.   That's done, did up my candy.  

I ate my usual breakfast but hungry, and depressed.  Frustrating.  I think I will have some coconut oil.  Probably all the carbs from yesterday.  

I did that.  Just goes to show carb binges can have multiple effects, unstable blood sugar in addition to weight gain.  And the coconut oil is st ill solid.  In an ideal world my coconut oil would always be liquid.  I am not sure how work will be today we will have to see.  

That's it for now.  

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