Monday, November 7, 2022

Some other thoughts

 I heard a terrible crash sometime in the middle of the night.  Biscuit had brought Cleo a live frog earlier and I had to catch it and put it out (it was amenable to escaping The Claws Of Death).  I never did find a "prey" but the chair was shoved halfway across the room.  When I went to put it back I tripped over a jar of treats that had also been shoved across the room.  It was clear so I didn't see it and almost wrenched my knee, thank you Jesus for saving me from that.  

But tonight I noticed Biscuit is running around a lot better.  As you know he had a limp for a while but is doing fine now, back to 100%.  I believe he had some sort of sprain and am really glad he's doing better.  

I was looking at the Mexican spices at the store.  They had Bay Leaves for 90 cents.  I smelled a package, could smell nothing, and was upset I had let my Bay Tree die some years ago during a bad depression (too depressed to water it).  I didn't buy it of course.  

I am tired and going to bed early but I might have some photos you would like: 


Anonymous said...

Your window looks so good. And it goes without saying that your kitties are adorable. I am glad that Biscuit is feeling better. My little dog had a back issues recently and was so pitiful. But thankfully he is back to himself. God is good to even heal our animals.

Heather Knits said...

Poor little pup! I was at the vet one day and they were talking about giving Tramadol to a dog. That's what they gave Ron for his back. I went home and told him, he said "they're giving me dog medicine?"

I felt so terrible about Biscuit as I figured it would just be 1. Let it rest 2. Expensive operation that "might" work, couldn't afford that or 3. Amputate but he was getting around OK on it, putting weight on it, using that leg to scratch his ear, etc. So I waited and God worked it out.

Anonymous said...

Love the window and dang Heather, you look good!
I fell off the wagon, it's my own fault.

Heather Knits said...

You can get back on... I had a quart of eggnog yesterday. Won't do that again. That was literally a thousand calories but it was good.

One thing I did was reset my Carb Manager to maintaining 183 pounds. I will keep it there the next couple months until I get through Christmas.