Friday, November 11, 2022

Friday morning

 I had an uneventful ride to work aside from a woman at the last bus stop taking up the bench with herself and her bags, reeking of old urine.  The smell of old urine did not bring back pleasant memories for me so I moved pretty far away.  At that bus stop I cannot put my bag on the ground as people eliminate there.  But I got to work OK.  I rode 2 buses with "Buddy" my friend the slower guy, about my age, very kind heart.  We chatted a little.  He gets very upset when people are rude (he is hurt) and is positively wounded by current events.  He has a very kind heart and I find myself wanting to protect him.  He has told me, and meant, if I ever need anything to let him know and I thought that was very sweet.  When I give him candy he saves it and gives it out to little kids on the bus.  

Not sure I mentioned it, but yesterday I thought about my wedding ring as I got out of the shower.  I decided it was loose, and maybe it was time to skip wearing it for a day.  So I did.  I found myself wanting to fiddle with it now and then at work, and trying to wash "around" it when I washed my hands (a lot), but otherwise mentally fine.  So I will keep it off for now.  I can always wear it if I am feeling vulnerable, Valentine's day, that sort of thing.  

I got to work early, 1. to see what kind of meat they had to replace my pork roast, 2.  Pick up my scripts while they were giving them (I am down with having extra as my stuff is not addictive or restricted in any way), and 3.  Drop off some candy with Ann, the lady who works mornings.  

When I got to my work area someone else was there and almost cried when she saw me.  She asked when I could start, I explained I had to eat my lunch but then I could start, maybe around 2.  She pulled out her phone and made a call to the boss who asked me to PLEASE start an hour early, at 2.  So I went and ate my lunch.  I decided to do all my vegetables at once, the salad, the celery sticks, and the kale that was in with the pot roast.  I also had the pot roast of course.  BAM 5 servings of vegetables at once (and I am down to 183 this morning so obviously my body likes it).  

For the groceries I got a turkey leg for Thanksgiving dinner, here in Houston they smoke them and sell them shrink wrapped.  So I got one for that.  I looked at the pork roast and was not impressed, found the meat prices as a rule higher than my local grocer.  So that was all the meat I got unless you count the 4 cans of tuna.  And I got my pills.  

I used to buy a bag of Snickers fun sized and give that to the pharmacy tech when I got my pills because I feel like, hey, you're saving my life, giving me a great quality of life, the least I can do is give you a little candy.  And I'm the candy lady (that would probably be my blog title if I ever got rid of Heather Knits) anyway it's in my blood.  So I did that for a long time.  It was just part of the price.  But then they started saying no they couldn't do that.  A month or two ago I started buying the fun size again, telling them to staple the receipt to the bag, and then giving them the bag (so they wouldn't get in trouble for stealing), and they took it.  So I did that yesterday, too.  This time I gave it to the nice "drop off" lady who helped fix my scripts a couple times when Doc forgot to do the refills on my antipsychotic.  So I will keep doing that as long as they will take it.  I generally only do one refill every 3 months so not a burden on me.  

I also took some candy in (no booklet) for my coworkers and that was a big hit except with one lady who is very slim and said she doesn't eat candy.  I asked her if she liked apples as I have a lot of very nice apples at home.  She got very excited and said she loves apples, so that's easy.  I put one in my lunch bag for her.  I want to be a light at work even if I am not directly sharing my faith.  

The app logged me out right before I started so I had to go to personnel.  If you want the details I have 2 step notification but when it sends the code I cannot see it in the app.  Right before lunch my tech guy walked by so I grabbed him and he fixed it.  He likes a certain kind of Gatorade you can only get at Krroger.  Where do I get my greens?  Kroger.  So I got the names of the drinks from him and I will get more next week when I go for more kale.  As requested, I did start an hour early.  

So far I still seem to be "On" for seeing my aunt next week.  I had a busy night at work and Jack was waiting outside the door when I left.  I feel for him as I have been there and we have a few things in common, we both knew death was coming to our loved one but we didn't expect it so fast.  He doesn't talk about it and I don't pry, I just say things like "Be easy on yourself" and "It really does get better" stuff I needed to hear after Ron died.  Again, I hope I can be a light.  

He is happy to take me in the morning all weekend (8 AM pickups 3 days in a row) which is great as I have the early morning thing next weekend too.  

I called my parents, they are doing well.  I guess I incited them to get their own pot roast and they have been working on that.  Dad gets very excited about gravy, has his whole life.  And she made a big batch with the meat juice.  So he's happy as a clam.  

They have several groups and outreach things they are involved in which keeps them busy.  I am happy to see that.  The big problem with my in laws they just sat in front of the TV and watched soap operas every day.  They never went out or had people over, it's not surprising they both ended up with dementia.  

Ron's family, including his mother, had plotted to have him placed in a nursing home.  And that is where she ended up.  Talk about ironic.  Whereas Ron died at home just how he wanted, legally drunk 😂 and seizure free.  

Today I need to make up some tuna for dinner.  I will have nuts, cheese, and possibly some yogurt for breakfast (no sweetener).  Then for lunch pot roast, kale, and salad.  Dinner will be tuna and celery.  Last break (or first one depending if they have me punch early) will be a cut up apple.  I like them cut up, have ever since I got braces at age 13.  I already have evening pills done up, the extra apple for my co worker, etc.  

I also need to do up candy for my rides.  I did do up more candy for work.  I also need to buy more pinata mix if they have it, and cat food as I am getting low.  Praying we do have the Iams Urinary in stock.  If they don't I guess I will go with Chewy.  But that will be fun coming home, a 5 pound bag of pinata mix and a 7 pound bag of cat food, but I am paying for the ride anyway so I might as well take advantage.  It would be impossible to get home (very difficult) on the bus.  

That's it for now.  

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