Monday, November 14, 2022


 I got the card!  Thank you very much I will likely be using the gift cards after work on the weekend to get something tasty before I take the bus home.  

Work went OK.  My aunt met me at the store and we dropped my stuff off at home, then went out to dinner and then got groceries.  I got another pork roast, some garlic, onion, ginger.  I got link sausage.  I had wanted to make some chicken in red wine and got some nice chicken thighs for $2.50 for the tray of 2 pounds (exactly what fits in my crock pot).  I went to Kroger (she took me of course).  I got salad mix, kale, cucumbers, didn't like the looks of the celery so I got some squash.  I also got some dressing because I checked the dates on the dressing I had in the fridge and none of it was good.  So now I am thinking dip my raw squash slices in some honey mustard?  We will see.  They also had blackberries on special so I got 2 trays at $1 each.  

I like some sort of raw vegetable with some dressing (dipping) or a block of cheese.  I also like a raw salad and then some cooked kale every day.  I have all that now.  I am good for well over a week.  

We are going to the thrift store tomorrow morning.  It should be fun.  And that will do it for things I wanted to do.  Maybe go to the store and get some laundry sanitizer?  That's about all I can think of.  I am looking forward to it.  

Only bad thing I dropped something and broke it but it didn't shatter.  Dad is eating dinner now and will call when he's done.  

That's it for now!  

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