Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Did all the meal prep

 Very proud of myself.  

I cooked up 1 pound of ground turkey (bought it at work), with some taco seasoning.  I bought a 1 pound jar of taco seasoning some time ago, you add some water and 3 T seasoning to the cooked ground meat.  

Anyway I cooked it, then I opened a can of chili beans from Walmart (not sure if they still sell it).  They are tasty.  I mixed those in with the meat and a handful of shredded cheese.  It looks divine.  I can hardly wait until lunch tomorrow AND it's 100% on my eating plan and also in line with my goal to eat more vegetables.  So I'm happy.  I even made my tuna for tomorrow.  

So I'm happy with that.  I plan to eat a salad in the morning before I leave for work that will handle the "how to do a salad" question.  Maybe some kale at night before bed.  That can only benefit me.  

And that's the sad thing, it's only been recently that I even wanted to take care of myself.  

I had a really sad phone call today from Jack.  One thing I did after Ron died was tell everyone who would listen: get on your loved one's bank accounts.  Otherwise you will have a hard time getting the money.  

Well his wife did not do it.  So now he faces the same battle I did.  I told him to get a legal aid lawyer that's what I did and I have a list of 3 clinics, including the one I used.  I believe she was probably in denial she was terminal so she didn't see the need because "I'm going to beat this".  

Don't do that.  Now poor Jack faces months of hell on this.  It doesn't have to be a spouse, but please but a trusted person on your accounts.  My aunt is on mine.  It's great, I can have her make transfers to my savings and such.  She gets a bank statement email from the bank every day which I'm fine with, I feel better having someone watch my spending in case I go off the rails.  She would NEVER touch my money without my permission.  The only way I can see that is if I was injured and couldn't pay my bills, she would use my account to do that.  

So I feel good about what I did on my days off.  My sweatpants are covered in cat hair because I had lots of lap time with the babies.  I caught up on the laundry and best of all only 4 days of work, two of them short days.  

Not bad.  My mood is OK and my prescriptions should be coming in pretty soon which is even better.  

Now I'm done for the night.  

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