Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A busy day out

 Well the socks are WAY too tight, that is disappointing.  

I took my shower and did my God Time so I am good to go.  My aunt had to do something and then she will come over from her friend's house.  It should be an interesting day.  

 So I am back from  my day out.  Our haul: 8 pair of jeans, 6 of which fit great now, 2 are in the "when I slim down a few inches" pile which I like to have.  2 Christmas tops, not bad I thought.  One has Santa Cats on it and the other has a jolly skiing Santa.  Two button down blouses one of which is a thick fleece plaid in teal.  That will be great to wear around the house even if I don't wear it to work.  A pair of shorts in plain denim.  The striped ones I have are cute but sometimes I want something basic.  AND EVERYTHING WAS A 16.  ALL OF IT.  My aunt said they fit great, I felt they fit great.  So very happy about that.  Some nice bright colors.  

She is going to send me photos and then I will put them up but that's quite a haul.  Best of all they were running a 30% off "senior" special.  She paid for everything and saved us an additional $20.  So I got a huge haul.  As a gift.  I used my money to buy some laundry sanitizer and some Tide Pods.  I also got some candy to hand out, 4 pounds of caramels and 5 pounds of pinata mix.  That will hold me for a while.  

The guy who helps me with my phone likes a certain Gatorade only available at Krogers.  I got him a couple bottles.  I asked what he liked and he told me but I know he thinks I'll never give him one.  That will be nice on Thursday.  

One of my love languages is giving gifts, I have found.  I love to give little gifts.  It makes me happy.  

So it was a good day, I love spending time with her.  I told her pretty clearly I don't expect to see her again for a while because she has the new grandson coming in a few weeks.   She is going to be helping out with him plus her other wife/mom/grandma duties.  I am glad she could squeeze me in for today.  It's always good to see her.  

I had fun and I won't look like a baggy hobo now.  I got some really cute colored jeans.  One pair in bright blue.  One in teal.  Both will look fantastic with my vest.  I also got some basic black and indigo, and a greige I was not crazy about at first but fits perfectly and is a little dressier than the other ones.  The shorts come right above the knee, perfect for my style.  I don't want any whoopsies I showed my underwear.  Some of the stuff I saw at the store this summer practically burned my eyeballs.  

Biscuit was a brave boy and came out a few times.  Cleo did not run at first when she saw my aunt, as well.  

Only other notable thing I did give my aunt my Google password so she has the blog now if something happens to me.  She has everything else including a power of attorney for me and also a power of attorney for my medical decisions.  She is on my bank accounts.  She is not on my credit card that is my debt.  But the Google password was nothing compared to that.  

It is nice to have someone in my life I trust 100%.  

That's it for now.  I will put up the photos when I get them.  


Anonymous said...

I hope you return the too tight compression christmas socks

Heather Knits said...

That's the plan. I'm thinking it was a compression issue, the new ones were 20-30 mm. The basic ones I wear everyday are 15 mm. Either that or they came from china and everyone has itty, bitty, feet.

Either way I actually bruised my foot trying to put them on.