Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Wednesday morning

I slept OK, no Biscuit drama, woke up feeling OK but for the headache.  I took some Excedrin and went back to sleep.  The cats were all in the bed with me, good times.  I treasure those times.  

I got up and fed them.  I also started the heater in the bathroom as it is a little chilly today.  

I need to go to my food shopping, bring it home, do the dishes, do meal prep.  So it will be a busy day.  I would like to work a nap in there if I can.  Laundry is all done and I got the bed washed too.  

I wore my sweat pants and an oversized t shirt to bed and was very comfortable last night.  I may do that ongoing.  When Ron had the house so warm I could just go the naked route.  Not really these days!  

I am not sure what I am doing for meals: I have chili I need to eat as it is near the sell by date.  I have ground beef needs to be cooked and put into taco casserole.  Ideally I will figure out a "doesn't need heating" meal I can eat on my lunch (which is really my dinner).  I don't like waiting to use the microwave as a lot of the people bring food in glass dishes and then take 5 minutes heating it up, or buy a TV dinner and spend forever cooking it.  When I'm on my lunch I want to pull out my food and eat it.  But the tuna is starting to make me gag which is bad.  It is very filling but no good if I can't eat it.  

So I need to figure out a high fat, moderate protein, food that doesn't need heating.  Deli meat worked pretty good the other day on my break so I could theoretically do that, that was 8 ounces and filled me up for hours (I would need some kind of fat with it, maybe some cheese).  I will figure it out.  I only need 4 meals, then I have a day off, work one day, one day off (pay day at that), and then 5 days.  So I will see what looks good at the store.  

They had some uncured ham that was very good and I was able to fry that up at home, cut it up, eat the bites at work with some cheese so I may do that.  It was already cooked so it only needed 3 minutes a side.  And so many people detest pork it is still pretty cheap to buy.  

I felt a little bad for one of the Muslim ladies at work, she was in the breakroom eating her "proper" food and one of my coworkers came in asking about my Thanksgiving dinner.  I told her the turkey leg was a bust but the ham was delicious and she wanted to know where I got the ham and how I cooked it.  And the Muslim lady looked nauseated.  But I love pork.  

There is a guy cooking up meals at home or whatever, comes in and sells food plates to employees for $18.  They get a lot of food but that, to me, is just too much money.  And half of it is potato salad and mac and cheese.  There was a decent amount of meat but not $18 worth.  But a lot of people buy it.  Also t he guy is not food service certified so God knows what he is doing for food safety, but I don't say that.  But I wouldn't eat a plate if you gave it to me.  

So hopefully I will find some of the ham.  It's the end of the month, not the first, so I should be OK for inventory.  

I am going to get started and come back.    

Ack that was scary, I lost my wallet.  The other day at work it would not fit in my jeans, so I put it in my work vest.  When I got home from work I took it out of my vest along with everything else and put it in a bag on the couch so I could wash the vest.  That is a peeve of mine, people walking around with a dirty vest for week after week.  I washed the vest and hung it near the front door.  

This morning I looked for all my "pockets" stuff like my watch, cash, keys, etc. on the kitchen table.  That was all in place but for the wallet and I couldn't remember for about 5 minutes.  I couldn't help but think I had my ID, discount card, and debit card in there.  Nervewracking.  

But that's fixed.  I'm going to the grocery store now.  I will post later.  

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