Monday, November 7, 2022

Early Monday morning

 I didn't sleep well when I went to bed but slept great after about 12.  I got up at 6:30, I had some good cuddles with the cats.  I fed them and took a headache pill, went back to bed.  Biscuit laid at my feet, purring, and Cleo walked all over me purring and butting her head into my hand, licking my hand, and just being adorable.  She feels very safe with me lying down.  I told her she was a good cat, a pretty cat, a smart cat, and other nice things.  She seemed to like hearing it.  Her fur is always spotless and soft she takes a lot of time on it.  

And Biscuit has gotten better at cleaning his rear end.  I am glad to see that, especially as he spends so much time in my bed.  

My weight was up 2 pounds this morning but I had a chicken tender dinner with potato wedges and macaroni and cheese.  It wasn't cheap, either, but it was better than a hamburger.  And I can't recall the last time I got takeout.  

Dad told me he will give me another $100 if I get below 180 for 3 days in a row.  That will be nice, when I get it I plan to put it with the other $100 in the clothing fund.  I plan to eat lower calories and carbs on my day off but allow myself more "rope" on the days I work, especially long days with crazy hours.  

I need to figure out how to bring salad to work.  The cooked kale in the roast beef container worked very well so I can do that again but I want to get at least 3-5 vegetables every day in addition to 1-3 fruits.  I may get some more guavas, I really like those and each is only 5 carbs.  I also got celery sticks (it was more cost effective, and you get more food, to buy the cut sticks vs. the bunch of celery) I can take with me.  And I plan to buy cucumbers and cut those up too those are always a good snack.  And they have been 2 for $1 pretty much everywhere so a good deal, too.  

For once in my life I want to take better care of myself.  I plan to buy a "big" olive oil (the unflavored kind) when I get paid and also buy some air filters for the house.  That will help a lot.  

But it is foggy right now so I want to wait a while until that all clears before I go out and cross that busy street!  Traffic is going to be a mess with the parade messing up a lot of bus routes so I will pack my patience.  

I have a decent list so I know what I need, going into the store.  I am only going to the local store as I already got my salad mix at Krogers the other day.  They really do have good produce.  

I am hoping to get both a pot roast and a pork roast.  And maybe some ginger for the pork roast.  I would also like to get some cheap red wine for the pot roast but will have to see what I find.   Dad said "Two buck Chuck" is only at Trader Joe's and we don't have one nearby as far as I know.  

That's it for now.  

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