Saturday, November 26, 2022

Friday and Saturday morning

 Got to work, Black Friday.  The parking lot was only half full which had me pretty nervous.  But, as it turns out, the store was very busy.  

I bought the Cuddli Duds special, they have it every year, a 2 piece top and bottom long underwear set.  I got the black and white print.  I can live with that.  Work itself was very busy.  I had a coworker I like working with me.  She is very stylish.  

She said she loved my (cobalt blue) jeans, the way they fit, and the way I wore them which was a nice boost.  I wonder sometimes, being raised by a man the first 5 years of my life.  

Got through the day, got my break and lunch.  I also clocked in early because they needed me and I was ready to go anyway.  That's another $9 in my pocket which almost pays for the Cuddli Duds.  

Jack got me, came home, called my parents.  I got off at 8:30 so I had a little time to talk.  Then I went to bed early.  

When I woke up I checked my schedule for the week of the 10th and they don't have me working a single day.  Our personnel director is out right now so I'm not sure.  If I'm really not working I will go see my aunt, have a blast.  They have a Mega Bus goes from downtown to her for about $20.  I just have to get downtown.  But I think they will "fix" it because they really do need me.  

They are training someone else in my job but the other employees complain she is lazy and very negative, they don't like her.  I like her well enough but she complains a lot which I hope reminds me not to do the same.  

Today I work another long one and won't get back until after 6, most likely.  That's it for now.  

PS cats are good and my new lunchbox came, I really like it.  


Anonymous said...

I heard there was a glitch in Walmart system I doubt you will be off a entire week

Heather Knits said...

No, I'm not, usual hours. My aunt was thrilled I might visit. I felt bad telling her.