Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Finally a small mania

 Good timing, too.  I had to do all my cleaning and cooking today.  I have made great inroads so far.  I got more fresh veggies - I am in love with Kroger greens.  Organic kale!  Organic baby greens mix!  I also got some chicken broth, not organic.  

I looked at the organic broth, it had chicken flavor in it.  The regular store brand broth did not, it just had plain chicken stock which is what I wanted.  

Now you may wonder why I prefer organic produce.  It is pretty simple, I think it is better for me, has more nutrients, and tastes better.  

Ron and I did an experiment and I don't think I have shared this.  In my other post I talked about my organic co op box delivery.  Every 2 weeks they would bring the produce I had approved.  When I signed up they gave me a long list of every fruit and vegetable known to man.  I checked all the ones I would like to see, they would put in whatever matched (seasonal), and was available.  Overall I got good stuff I loved.  

Ron was a skeptic.  Why was organic such a big deal?  At the time I was pretty serious about sustainable eating and even had a subscription to Organic Gardening.  

I had an idea.  I had different colored plates.  I also had a lovely bunch of grapes from my box.  I went to the Safeway and bought a similar looking bunch of grapes, also white.  I put one on a blue plate and the organic on the green plate, put them both on the table.  

I told Ron, try both.  Whichever one you eat more of is what I'll buy from now on.  It's a truly blind taste test and I am sure you will find one you prefer.  Then I went to the thrift store.  

I came back in an hour or two and the green plate had been eaten down to the stem.  Ron literally ate 1-2 pounds of grapes in one sitting.  The blue plate had a few grapes missing but was intact.  I told Ron he had eaten the organic grapes, he said "They were much better, I believe you now" and that was the end of the discussion.  

Of course finances and depression being what they were I didn't feel much like taking care of myself the last several years.  But I do now.  And I can afford the organic greens, less than $10 for a pound of ready to eat kale and a pound of ready to eat salad, that can cover pretty much all my organic vegetable needs.  

You can google "the dirty dozen" and find that greens are most often contaminated with pesticides so it is a good idea to get them, at least, organic.  I did buy conventional cucumber and celery this week.  I also bought conventional apples as they were very affordable and I wash them before eating anyway.  I also bought conventional pumpkin in a can.  

I tried making pumpkin pudding and it did not turn out.  So I need to figure out a way to make the puree palatable.  I do like the idea of eating an "orange" vegetable regularly.  

So that's it for now.  

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